Chargotju reces, da je trans scena ne now trend in te napizdi... napises stavek, on pa celi roman...
Je pa vprasanje, ce se tvoja vprasanja ne belezijo in posiljajo kam...
There is no evidence to suggest that the increasing number of transgender individuals will lead to the end of mankind. Transgender people are simply one aspect of human diversity, and their existence and well-being do not pose a threat to society or the continuation of the human race.
It is important to recognize and celebrate the diversity of human experience, including gender diversity, and to support individuals in living their lives authentically and with dignity. This includes providing access to medical and social support for those who choose to transition, as well as working to address stigma and discrimination against transgender individuals.
The increasing number of transgender individuals is not a cause for alarm or concern, but rather a reflection of society's increasing recognition and acceptance of gender diversity.
It is important to recognize that gender identity is not a trend or a fashion statement. For individuals who identify as transgender, their gender identity is a deeply personal and often innate aspect of their identity that has significant implications for their health and well-being.
While there may be increasing visibility and acceptance of transgender individuals in society, this is not a sign that being transgender is a "new modern thing." Transgender people have always existed, but have often been marginalized and hidden due to stigma and discrimination.
It is important to approach discussions about gender diversity with empathy and understanding, and to recognize that every individual has the right to live authentically and with dignity. This includes respecting the identities and experiences of transgender individuals and supporting their access to necessary medical and social support.