da ne odpiram nove teme, kaj je nokia e5, manj bling bling verzija e72?
Uporabnik Karakala pravi:
zanimivo, iste specifikacije,drugo ohisje in nizja cena....
Also, most TN panels represent colors using only 6 bits per RGB color, or 18 bit in total, and are unable to display the 16.7 million color shades (24-bit truecolor) that are available from graphics cards. Instead, these panels display interpolated 24-bit color using a dithering method that combines adjacent pixels to simulate the desired shade. They can also use a form of temporal dithering called Frame Rate Control (FRC), which cycles between different shades with each new frame to simulate an intermediate shade. Such 18 bit panels with dithering are sometimes advertised as having "16.2 million colors".
Uporabnik jtfc pravi:
Pri levi so definitivno bolj žive barve in bolj jasne sence.
Baterije ni pa noben opazil, da dlje zdrži, čeprav je slabša.
Mislim, da jo x6 še zmeraj poseka. Razen, če imaš telefon pretežno za klicat.
I did some test before. 262K colors from the left and 16M colors on the right. I've used Depth Dither filter in photoshop to achieve this (using 0% dithering). You will see the difference from this pics if you zoom on it.
Uporabnik Smjs pravi:
Sem danes težil v Mobitel centru v BTC Lj. pa tipson ni imel pojma. Pravi, da oni zvedo istočasno kot je objava na spletni strani.
Jest upam da bo kmalu. Sem zapel za ta telefon.