Ker sem trenutno s poslovnimi partnerji na enem kongresu v Hong Kongu, sem stopil v stik z mozakarjem ki prodaja tele tipkovnice
Cena je 30 € in pripeljenam v hotel brezplačno.
Kakšno imate mnenje - s se to splača kupit, ali je vržen denar vstran, in raje kupimo za 54€ wireless Apple keybord v Apple shopu ?
PROSIM ZA MNENJA Z IZKUŠNJAMI, ker sigurno kdo je tukaj ki to tipkovnico ima.
Namreč organiziram ta nakup jaz in ne bi rad izpadel pred kolegi, da sem jim zrihtal nek shit.
No trgovec pa mi je odpisal, ko sem ga vprašal o sami kvaliteti naslednje:
Hi Kristian,
Thanks for your reply. I must be honest and I can only say that there is no complain of this keyboard since I started to sell in November last year. And, it is hard to compare with the one in Apple Shop and the price is a big different.
You can think about it and tell me later. Thank you.
Lp Kristian
Cena je 30 € in pripeljenam v hotel brezplačno.
Kakšno imate mnenje - s se to splača kupit, ali je vržen denar vstran, in raje kupimo za 54€ wireless Apple keybord v Apple shopu ?
PROSIM ZA MNENJA Z IZKUŠNJAMI, ker sigurno kdo je tukaj ki to tipkovnico ima.
Namreč organiziram ta nakup jaz in ne bi rad izpadel pred kolegi, da sem jim zrihtal nek shit.
No trgovec pa mi je odpisal, ko sem ga vprašal o sami kvaliteti naslednje:
Hi Kristian,
Thanks for your reply. I must be honest and I can only say that there is no complain of this keyboard since I started to sell in November last year. And, it is hard to compare with the one in Apple Shop and the price is a big different.
You can think about it and tell me later. Thank you.
Lp Kristian