Uporabnik jest5 pravi:
Tako idiotske "povezave" si sposoben naumiti le ti![]()
Pač zaprt krog indicev...

Uporabnik jest5 pravi:
Tako idiotske "povezave" si sposoben naumiti le ti![]()
Uporabnik 8888 pravi:
Ukrajinska stran lahko počne vse kar se ji zljubi,
Uporabnik NigelM pravi:
Kaj natančno ima sedaj to opraviti z ukrajinskmi "fašisti"?
Uporabnik 8888 pravi:
Misliš da Rusi v Ukrajini ne delajo zločine?
the Western mainstream media and established politicians describe the recent situation in Ukraine as a conflict between pro-European, democratic and liberal oppositional alliance on the one side and an authoritarian regime with a dictator as president on the other side. Do you agree?
Dugin: I know those stories and I consider this type of analysis totally wrong. We cannot divide the world today in the Cold War style. There is no “democratic world” which stands against an “antidemocratic world”, as many Western media report.
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Kamele0N, si si pogledal Ginusov drugi link? Tukaj ne gre za vojake, ampak za zakurjene nosečnice in civiliste, ki jih je skuril Desni sektor.
In potem se čudite, zakaj pro-ruska stran noče nič s to vladno hunto, v kateri so ministri in ljudje tega istega Desnega sektorja?!
Helen Klein , a science teacher in the Odessa school: "In our country recently accepted that before football matches found ultras teams go peacefully joint march for unity of the country. And today from Cathedral Square was supposed to go this march. As expected hit about Putin performed by the authors (" Putin - huylo . "- Ed.), came to sing and just people ... Suddenly, from the shopping center" Athena "appeared Colorado. ultras in first threw stones and then opened fire firearms. Ultras responded with stones. Self Maidana tightened and cops. Part cops became chain between the other part began handing Colorado shields, batons. Subtotal - one killed and a dozen wounded ultras ".
Oleg Kozyrev , a Russian journalist: "An impressive group of anti-Ukrainian fighters connivance (and perhaps support) militia attacked a peaceful march for the unity of Ukraine. Perhaps wanted to have the same carnage that was found in Donetsk. striker seriously, with sticks, bats, sapper blades, and some even shot. Part of traumatic weapons, and some used firearms. "
Poll Lenec : "The dead man was lying covered with Ukrainian flag. Casual man pulled from his pocket cell, called his father and said:" Your son was shot. Come pick him up on Deribassovskaya. "first frame that I saw back at Zhukovsky - it then, as the crowd of pro-Russian, covert shields, sticks out a Kalashnikov rifle (!) and just shoot at our crowd bursts. Immediately got a bunch of wounded. One of them we are with other people seized and began to refer to the side. He was knocked vest. We carried him to the makeshift clinic volunteers. rather on the time and all were crowded razehalis. "
Poll Lenec : "The dead man was lying covered with Ukrainian flag. Casual man pulled from his pocket cell, called his father and said:" Your son was shot. Come pick him up on Deribassovskaya. "first frame that I saw back at Zhukovsky - it then, as the crowd of pro-Russian, covert shields, sticks out a Kalashnikov rifle (!) and just shoot at our crowd bursts. Immediately got a bunch of wounded. One of them we are with other people seized and began to refer to the side. He was knocked vest. We carried him to the makeshift clinic volunteers. rather on the time and all were crowded razehalis. "
Oleg Kozyrev : "From the roof of the House of Trade Unions began to shoot at those below. This is clearly seen in the video - and even see the moment when this crowd recoiled because of shooting."
Helen Klein : "Colorado locked in the House of Trade Unions on the Kulikovo Field. and began to fire from the roof: firearms, Molotov cocktails, stones and pieces of such fittings, welded hedgehog. From the roof fall down - go nuts. According to various sources (but probably right both), and from the burning tents and unsuccessfully fallen from the top cocktails the building caught fire. "
Vladimir Golishev : "Who lit the House of Trade Unions? If you carefully watch the recording, it is obvious that both sides have tried here. There are at least two cases (at high levels) when the ignition source was clearly inside the building. At the same time show how Molotov cocktails fly outside (judging by the strength of the flame at the entrance - they threw mostly there). fateful role played by two circumstances: "hermits" obviously poorly oriented in the building and the main entrance they had stopped and quickly disassemble furniture barricade could not . Plus two factors: they feared panic people outside (they also shot - lynching was very likely), and panic fear of the fire, as all victims of the fire.
Mi ni treba gledat; sam vem, da ko se odpre Pandorina skrinjica oboroženih spopadov, da se zločini dogajajo na obeh straneh. Ampak sedaj s tem zločinom upravičevati rusko intervencijo...Citat:
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
8888 pravi, da Desni sektor lahko mirno kuri ljudi in nosečnice.
Uporabnik 8888 pravi:
Ukrajinska stran lahko počne vse kar se ji zljubi,
NigelM pa pravi, da so Ukrajinski fašisti samo izgovor Rusom:
Uporabnik NigelM pravi:
Kaj natančno ima sedaj to opraviti z ukrajinskmi "fašisti"?
NigelM, si si pogledal Gnius-ov drugi link?
Kako veš? A si klical SMS vedeževanje?Citat:
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
No, bom pa se z morja.
Ce ne bi en mesec nazaj Rusi naredili na Krimu, kar so, bi se dogajalo zdaj na Krimu enaka morija, kot se zdaj dogaja na vzbodu in jugu Ukrajine.
Uporabnik Ganesh pravi:
Kaj je z vami? Pro ruski oboroženi posamezniki (tolpe, Putin bi jih v Rusiji imenoval "Teroristi") zavzemajo poslopja in z nedemokratičnimi metodami silijo v razpad. Nimam nič proti delitvi, če je to volja večine. A večino se preverja na volitvah, referendumih... ne pa z avtomatskim orožjem, agresijo in grožnjami.
To je isti princip kot v krajini v začetku 90-tih, pa vam to nekako ne kapne!?