Napetost v Ukrajini - Krimu


10. maj 2014
Zanimiv blog.

Avtor je bil na začetku večinoma proti majdanu, ampak novembra 2014, po uspešnih volitvah v Ukrajini in tonah ruske propagande, mu je počil film in je zamenjal tabora.

Spisal je tudi priročni vodnik po konfliktu

par postavk

1. Disagrees with Kremlin line.

2. A person who is just as much an asshole as a pro-Kremlin chauvinist, but for a nation that has a historical beef with Russia.

The Western (mainstream) media:

1. Any news outlet that criticizes the Kremlin’s policies at home or abroad.

2. An obscure blog being cited as a source by Russian media. May be linked to the Russian media or government.

Information war: News from foreign media which is critical of the Russian government and its policies. Thanks to the information war, Russian media is justified in fabricating stories, using actors as eyewitnesses, fabricating photographs, and so on.

Hybrid Warfare: A revolutionary new method of warfare developed by Russia which entails invading countries and claiming it’s not really involved in the conflict, fooling absolutely no one at all. Hybrid warfare also involves information warfare, whereby Russia produces massive amounts of contradictory propaganda which is disseminated by so many different sources and is so varied that even the forces waging hybrid warfare have no idea what is going on or what they are doing. Constantly confusing the [cenzura] out of your own forces and keeping them guessing is a terrifying new form of warfare.

RT: A satellite TV network that could have been a respectable alternative media outlet but ended up turning into a propaganda mouthpiece because some idiots decided they were fighting an information war.

Sputnik News: Because RT’s still too objective to fight a proper information war! Expensive too. Be careful on Twitter; Sputnik News is often indistinguishable from its own parody accounts.

Russia Insider: Because even Sputnik News turned down your writing.

Euromaidan Press: Ukraine’s equivalent to Russia Insider.


1. The single source of all negative information about Russia. Everyone in America who does not pay attention to Russian media watches CNN, and it’s all lies! There are no other sources on Russia in the West but CNN.

2. American cable news network known for repeatedly rearranging the borders of Europe and other geographical features via their graphics department. The network is shown in doctors’ offices across America.

State Department/NATO shill: How dare you write about corruption in Russia and the concrete consequences this has for the Russian people!

Fifth columnist/Foreign agent: Russian citizen who tries to fight or expose corruption, which of course doesn’t exist in Russia. Okay well it exists, but it exists in every country! Okay it’s much more prevalent in Russia compared to other countries but that’s because the government and bureaucracy is filled with sixth columnists!

Sixth columnist: Nameless politician or bureaucrat who cuts off utilities, cuts salaries, lays off state workers, closes schools, clinics, etc. No doubt paid directly by Obama. Putin has no idea who these people are or how to stop them. He is a great leader though, the only man who can lead Russia!

Political analyst: Dude with a webcam appearing on RT.

Western political expert: Someone who writes for Globalization Research.

Neocon: Anyone who criticizes Kremlin policy.

Anti-War activist: Someone who opposes war and militarism, unless it’s Russia, in which case militarism and war are just fine because uh…NATO encirclement! Hey look, our boys shouldn’t have to die in wars based on the lies of their rich masters, but Russians? Who cares. They can die in wars based on the lies of their even richer masters.

KGB propaganda: Any and all criticism of Stepan Bandera or the movements associated with him, whether they come from Americans, Jews, Poles, Ukrainians, the CIA, other Ukrainian nationalists including those who worked with Bandera, etc.


1. According to Russians, anyone who opposes Russian authority or hegemony.

2. According to Ukrainian nationalists, Russians.

Europe: According to Russian press, nothing but gays and Arabs.

America: Sinister country which uses its agents to force Russian bureaucrats and politicians to skim money out of state budgets, demand bribes, and generally rob their nation so they can fork over all the ill-gotten proceeds to American banks, real estate markets, and universities. American agents also routinely sabotage and destroy Russian roads and other infrastructure with pickaxes.

Patriot: Asshole who is probably stealing something.

Sanctions: Unfair, totally pointless economic measures that will in no way harm Russia’s economy. In fact, they are actually helping Russia! They are so absurd and ridiculous the West should totally remove them as soon as humanely possible. Please.

Import substitution: Get ready for cheese made from 80% palm oil. You don’t even want to know where we’re getting the meat from.

DNR/LNR (Donetsk People’s Republic/Luhansk People’s Republic): What? What are you talking about? Those are clearly territories of Ukraine! Where did you get the idea that we were engineering a separatist movement to join Russia or become a pseudo-state like the various other pseudo-states Russia has created over the years! We have nothing to do with those states! We just really think that Ukraine needs to be a federal state, even though we actually aren’t, and we constantly talk about not interfering internal affairs of other countries!

Novorossiya: Now what are you going on about? We never said anything about Novorossiya? What does a colonial territory created in the time of Catherine the Great have to do with Ukraine in 2015? Why did you even bring this up! Ukraine should be a federal state! Don’t interfere in the internal affairs of other nations! If you’ll excuse me I left something in my car.

Boris Yeltsin:

1. Great visionary democratic leader who had absolutely nothing to do with Putin, his rise to power, or the increasing authority of the president in the Russian government. (Please ignore crushing of dissent with tanks and several bloody conflicts)

2. Pathetic drunk puppet of America and the Judeo-Masonic reptiloids who has absolutely nothing to do with the heroic savior of Russia that is Vladimir Putin.

Vladimir Putin:

Russian president who reminded foreign journalists that there were actually serious problems in the Russian government. Putin is the savior of Russia, and the only possible leader for Russia in spite of being abandoned by his family, apparently unaware of massive, endemic corruption in his country for 15 years, and in spite of failing to produce a single possible successor in 15 years of his tenure. Without Putin, all Russians will kneel before the United States and accept colonial rule. This is thanks to his wise and great leadership!

Dmitry Medvedev: A great visionary who presided over a golden age in post-Soviet Russian history. Ignore him.

The Internet: A dastardly CIA project designed to overthrow governments.

ISIS: Anything a Russian bomb hits in Syria.

The Russian Soul: A magical deus ex machina that allows one to avoid inconvenient arguments. e.g. “Oh but you see…You don’t understand the enigmatic Russian soul!” It is recommended that the speaker wave his or her arms in front of the listener’s face and make ghost noises after mentioning the Russian soul.

Vatnik: Putin’s main target demographic.

The Russian Press: A special investigative organ of the Russian state tasked with finding and archiving footage of gay pride parades and gay pornography and reviewing it for Russian viewers at home.

Multi-polar world: A world in which other leading nations treat Russia, a country with an economy just under that of Italy, as though it were some kind of 19th century great power and allow it to have its own sphere of influence for no known reason whatsoever.

Sovereignty: The right of dictators to rob their own nations blind without any interference or even criticism from abroad. Null and void if you’re one of Russia’s neighbors. A nation’s sovereignty is called into question if it enacts any policy the Kremlin doesn’t like. Only by deferring to the great Russian superpower in all matters can a nation truly be considered sovereign.

Geopolitics: An outdated, nihilistic, 19th century worldview that has been adopted by out of touch pseudo-intellectuals who think global politics is basically a game of Risk.

Vladimir Lenin: An evil German/American agent who destroyed the Russian empire, murdered the Holy Tsar and his family, and worst of all, invented Ukrainians and their language…BUT DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH ONE OF HIS STATUES YOU BANDERITE SCUM!

Josef Stalin: A deeply religious, conservative Russian nationalist leader who put right the wrongs of Lenin (except he still inexplicably believed in the existence of Ukrainians for some reason, possibly American related) and turned the USSR into a new Russian empire in preparation for a long struggle with the American Judeo-Masonic underlings of the Reptiloids from the planet Nibiru. Stalin won WWII because of his deep faith in Russian civilization and he lit candles in St. Basil’s Cathedral every night.

Dmytro Yarosh: Fuhrer of Ukraine. Has crucified so many Russian speaking kids he made the road between Slovyansk and Kramatorsk look like the Via Appia after Spartacus’ revolt. It is believed that Yarosh stepped down from his position in Praviy Sektor so as to convert to Islam, join ISIS, and carry on the jihad against Russian children in Syria. He is now believed to be going by his new name, Damir ibn-Anatol Al-Ukrayiini.

Objective, impartial investigation: Any investigation that absolves Russia or its proxies of all guilt. Preferably carried out by the Russian government.


10. maj 2014
Russky mir je napredujoča okužba.

There are now only 300 meters between DNR/RUS and Ukr positions E of #Avdeevka. "Silent advances" reloaded.


OVSE je bil deležen pozdravčkov.

On 9 April, an SMM patrol, comprised of five members in two armoured vehicles, was in Zhovanka, a government-controlled part of Zaitseve (50km north-east of Donetsk). The patrol was accompanied by the Ukrainian Armed Forces head of the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination (JCCC) office in Toretsk.

At 12:52hrs, the SMM heard an explosion assessed as caused either by an 82mm mortar or a recoilless gun round impacting at a distance of approximately 100-200m south-east of its position. Within the next two seconds, small-arms shots were fired towards the SMM position coming approximately from the same direction of the impact. The SMM heard at least three-four bullets flying one-two metres above their heads.

Danes so poročila, da poka na celotni DNR fronti, od Mariupola navzgor.


10. maj 2014
Če koga zanima, zakaj je v Ukrajini počilo

Not a hooker, just daughter of a mobster friend of #Ukraine Pres. #Yanukovych - who made her a JUDGE. #whyEuromaidan


Answering DM inquiries: she's Justice Viktoriya Dzharty (Джарти), father is Vasyl Dzharty. 1/2

(late) Vas. Dzarty aka Vasya B/ball Bat was #Makiivka mobster B4 #Yanukovych made him Mayor> #Ukraine MP> #Crimea Auton. PMinr. 2/2

november 2012

By decision of the Economic Court of Kyiv (where 32-year-old Viktoriia is a Deputy Chairman) the property of state-owned Nikopol Pipe Plant goes to Oscar a company affiliated with Valerii Omelchenko and Vadym Ermolaiev, reports NR.

Yermolaiev - is a known Dnipropetrovsk oligarch (Alef corporation). But Omelchenko is better known as the husband of Victoria Dzharty, writes Forbes. On October 28 Valerii Omelchenko was elected to Parliament from the Party of Regions in district № 55 (Donetsk oblast), with 69.3% of votes. The elected official in his program emphasized the social standards, and in his declaration boasted revenues in Austria, cars (Land Rover, BMW X6, Lexus RX, Bentley Continental), land, and apartment.


Another former head of the State Property Fund Oleksandr Bondar is not even surprised by the transaction.

"This is a typical Donetsk scheme. It has been around for a while - it is traditional when a place is just taken place through a court decision. There are plenty examples like Nikopol Pipe Plant. And there is no doubt that this is a profitable entity, that's why Dzharty's family close to the President's family has taken over," says Bondar.


"This is a continuation of the tough redistribution of property - it is taken away from some oligarchs and pocketed by others. And the fact that the court of Dzharty's daughter makes such a ruling, is also not surprising. It is as they say a family business, and everyone knows how corrupt the judiciary system in Ukraine is," concluded Oleksandr Bondar.


10. maj 2014
sestrična, januar 2013

Crimean traffic cops tighten investigate a traffic accident involving the deputy chief of the Crimean regional customs. Anna Kolodyazhnaya, lost control expensive foreign car, flew into the car Dnepropetrovsk, which now can not be restored. In an accident suffered at least 3 people, including a little girl.


May 2, initiate a criminal case was refused, but after complaints to the prosecutor and the victims Crimean Glaucus police three months later the case was initiated, but not against Kolodyazhni, and in fact an accident. Kolodyazhnaya in runs as a witness.

Levashov family understands that the perpetrator of the accident will no longer be "found" and the case can and does "get lost."

According to the publication, at the official's senior relatives. Sources in the customs claim that it is necessary niece to the late Prime Minister of Crimea Basil Dzharty, and, accordingly, the sister of his daughters, one of whom, Victoria, - the deputy chairman of the economic court of Kiev.

By the way, as the newspaper writes, "the Lexus", driven by the deputy head of Customs riding, rather expensive "toy" - in the showroom is from 577 to 620 thousand hryvnia.


10. maj 2014
Ruska nacionalka o novem kandidatu za ukrajinskega premierja

Prvi kvalifikator? Jud.

Kdo je naci?


11. okt 2007
When Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk got the boot and was replaced by the speaker of parliament Volodymyr Groysman, Mr. Andriy Parubiy was appointed in his stead. This extraordinary event speaks volumes about, not only the Ukraine, but also the present state of affairs in the West and its media, which increasingly adapts its reporting to fit the current geopolitical interests of the masters of the Western universe.

Meet Andriy Parubiy, the Former Neo-Nazi Leader Turned Speaker of Ukraine’s Parliament


10. maj 2014
Tole bo malo off.

Šekovtsov je šel pred leti, morda med študijem, đejmsa bonda v duginovi skupini


- Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences (Austria)
- Fellow at the Legatum Institute (UK)
- Research Associate at the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation (Ukraine)
- Editor of the "Explorations of the Far Right" book series at ibidem-Verlag (Germany)
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Open Access e-journal Fascism: Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies

My professional interests include but are not limited to new radical right-wing parties in Europe; illiberal tendencies in Central and Eastern Europe; New Right in general and Russian New Right (Neo-Eurasianism) in particular; varieties of interwar European fascism; political religions and sacralisation of politics; radical right-wing music.

How Alexander Dugin's Neo-Eurasianists geared up for the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2005-2013

The Neo-Eurasianist perspective on Ukraine was formed already in the 1990s, when Russian fascist Alexander Dugin argued, in his Foundations of Geopolitics, that Ukraine was “an unnatural state” consisting of four major regions with allegedly different geopolitical loyalties, and that a sovereign and united Ukraine constituted a major threat to the geopolitical security of Russia and the envisioned Eurasian Empire.


10. maj 2014

I have been long gathering information on activities of the gang of Russian mercenaries of Wagner. It is one of the most combat-ready military units of the Russian occupational troops, organized as a private official military company, which enrolls soldiers of the Russian Federation. In other words, a legalized terrorist unit for dirty business.
Wagner receives the latest weapons. For instance, armored vehicles 'Vystrel,' which serve in the Russian army only, were redeployed to the Donbas for this unit exclusively. The Russian Federation awards killed militants from Wagner units with RF state decorations, and they enjoy all the benefits as soldiers.


"After the hot stage of the conflict ended, Wagner's people gained notoriety for darker deeds. Wagner's people are said to be the ones behind the wave of political killings in the Luhansk republic - shootings of Ishchenko, Mozgovoy, Bednov and Dremov. It is believed that the PMC acts mostly in the "Luhansk People's Republic" ("LPR") and serves the master of the republic, Plotnitskiy, and those behind him - but it does not report to him, of course. Wagner makes the Luhansk republic a puppet formation; charismatic and popular leaders prevented that."

Russian website "Fontanka" published a very informative article on Wagner and found a blurred image of the officer. According to the Russian medium, he is:


"Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Utkin, aged 46. A professional military. Prior to 2013, he commanded Pechory-based, Pskov Oblast, 700th separate special forces unit of the 2nd spetznaz brigade of the GRU of the Ministry of Defense. After being dismissed for reserve, he worked in Moran Security Group - a private company providing services of guarding ships in pirate-endangered areas. When MSG's managers organized "Slavic Corps" in 2013 and sent it to Syria to protect Bashar al-Assad, he took part in this ill-fated expedition. Since 2014 he has been a commander of his own unit, called after his call sign, "Wagner's PMC."

"He is well-known for his devotion to the aesthetics and ideology of the Third Reich, that's where his call sign comes from - the name of the visionary composer.


The fact that "Fontanka"s article is authentic and that it was Wagner who killed terrorist leaders has been confirmed by a high-profile source of the enemy. In February 2016, before the article in "Fontanka" was published, a well-known Russian mercenary Stanislav Shustrov, call sign Engineer, former artillery commander of 'Prizrak' mercenary unit, wrote about Wagner on his Facebook page. Shustrov announced that the contract murder of Bednov was committed by Wagner:

"Wagner's name is Dmitry. … We participated in several operations together. He got a fragment to his liver in summer 2014, many of his guys were killed. After recovering, Wagner returned to service. The unit increased a bit. Many of sabotage operations in winter of 2014-2015 in the "LPR" were his people's job.

"I do not possess correct information about his (Bednov's) killing. It is highly probable that Wagner's people participated in it. They were given an order as the only combat-ready unit (in this matter) …"



Information about Wagner shows and proves that the Donbas war was started by the groups of the 'green men' - professional Russian military mercenaries. These mercenaries are real rulers of the Donbas, while plotnitskiys and zakharchenkos are only a cover for Russian secret services. Wagner's killers would eliminate anyone messing with the Kremlin puppeteers of the "people's republics." Nothing personal - just business.


10. maj 2014

Fontanka, an independent Saint Petersburg newspaper, has published an investigation into the activities and deaths of Russian “private military contractors” (PMCs) in Syria and Ukraine.

The paper studied a group known as ChVK (PMC) Wagner, formed out of the remnants of the “Slavonic Corps,” a mercenary unit that fought ignominiously in Syria in 2013.

While Fontanka, which first reported on the Slavonic Corps debacle that year, recently reported that members of that unit had returned to Syria, it was not until today that anyone claimed to have documentary evidence of the Wagner group’s operations.

Fontanka profiles several fighters with the unit and charts their activities from training centers in Russia to Ukraine’s Lugansk Region and the Syrian town of Palmyra.


According to Fontanka, the only documentary evidence of the existence of ChVK Wagner comes in the striking form of documents signed by President Vladimir Putin himself.

Wagner fighters were awarded medals for bravery and courage, some posthumously, for their actions in both Ukraine and Syria.


Two men posthumously honored were Andrei Yelmeyev and Andrei Shreiner. Both were buried on March 6, 2015, in Togliatti. Both were 43 years old and both were reportedly killed on January 28, 2015. A local news site reported that they had been killed fighting with separatist militias in Ukraine

But Fontanka reports that while both were indeed killed in the battle for Debaltsevo, neither of the men were fighting with the separatist militias or the Russian regular forces. Both names in fact appeared on the lists of those awarded the Order of Courage for their service in ChVK Wagner on May 9, 2015.

Fontanka also asked veterans of the Wagner unit to comment on photos released by ISIS, purportedly taken from the body of a Russian fighter, killed with three others, in a battle near Palmyra this month.

One of the men in the photos was identified as a fighter with the call-sign ‘Shlang,’ who was killed in December last year by an anti-personnel mine.

Shlang is one of the men in the photo below, which Fontanka‘s experts have identified as being taken in the Summer of 2014 in the Starobeshevo area of Ukraine’s Donetsk region:

//BMHO bi bila to lahko tudi Sirija pozimi

That ISIS has produced photos taken in Ukraine from a phone seized in Syria suggests that fighters from Wagner, or at least another unit, be it mercenary or regular, were indeed killed near Palmyra.


Not all of the men in the unit are Russian. One platoon is formed of Serbs, led by Davor Savicic, a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina and old comrade of Utkin’s who fought in the Slavonic Corps. Savicic was convicted and sentenced to 20 years for involvement in a bombing in Bosnia in 2001. The conviction was subsequently overturned on technical grounds, however.


The high loss rate in the group can be explained by what the former fighters describe as World-War-Two-style tactics.


Such tactics continued in Syria:

“What are we doing there? We go as the first wave. We direct the aircraft and artillery, push back the enemy. After us merrily go the Syrian special forces, and then Vesti-24 [a Russian state TV station] together with other Russian state television crews with cameras at the ready to interview them.”

ChVK Wagner fighters receive 240,000 rubles a month (around US $3,500).Fontanka asked why volunteers were signing up for a fifty-fifty chance of being wounded or killed for such a salary.

One returning fighter replied:

“Have you been traveling outside your Petersburg recently? Beyond Moscow and Petersburg there’s no work anywhere. If one is lucky – 15-20 thousand a month isn’t considered bad, but the price of food – it is as if we live in Antarctica. There’s a queue in Molino.”

Ko je komandir ruskog bataljona "Vagner". Davor Savičiæ rođen u Doboju. Bio u JSO, na KiM 1999 godine. Savičiæ tvrdi da se u Rusiji bavi građevinom

U BORBAMA za oslobođenje drevnog grada Palmire u Siriji učestvovao je i Srbin Davor Savičiæ (36) iz Doboja, nekadašnji pripadnik Jedinice za specijalne operacije (JSO) i veteran rata na Kosovu i Metohiji 1999. godine. On je u Siriji komandovao jednim vodom misterioznog bataljona “Vagner” - neformalne ruske plaæeničke vojske. Kao komandir borbene grupe, kako pišu strani mediji, on je aktivno učestvovao u borbama protiv džihadista Islamske države na Bliskom istoku.


Ovi ljudi su, kako se objašnjava u Rusiji, nevidljivi u ratnim dnevnicima i izvan su svakog formalnog lanca komandovanja. Koriste samo kodna imena, a naređenja za operacije dobijaju isključivo usmeno i bez ikakve formalne procedure. Zbog toga ih u Rusiji nazivaju ratnicima duhovima. Bataljon “Vagner” nije deo ruskih vojnih i policijskih snaga, a nema ga ni u registru agencija za pružanje usluga obezbeđenja.

Savičiæ je državljanin Bosne i Hercegovine, a više od dve godine stalno je nastanjen u Rusiji, u gradu Himki, gde živi od građevinskih radova. Prema pisanju peterburške “Fontanke”, međutim, Savičiæ je borac “Vagnera”, u kome komanduje jednim internacionalnim vodom. Kodno ime mu je “Volf” i pod svojom komandom ima i četvoricu boraca Srba, koji su tokom 2014. i 2015. godine došli iz Legije stranaca.

Za Savičiæevo ime domaæa javnost je čula 2001. godine kada je optužen kao jedan od učesnika nezapamæenog zločina u Beranama, kada je od podmetnutog eksploziva u kafe-baru “Holivud” ubijeno šest osoba. Meta napada bio je Beranac Duško Martinoviæ, a osim njega u eksploziji su stradala i njegova dva brata, dvoje zaposlenih, kao i jedan od učesnika likvidacije. Posle prvostepene maksimalne zatvorske kazne, sud je 2009. godine Savičiæa oslobodio krivice u ovom slučaju. Bosanski mediji tvrdili su 2014. godine i da je postao deo međunarodne grupe koja za novac ratuje u istočnoj Ukrajini.

U razgovoru za “Novosti”, međutim, Savičiæ negira da je kao pripadnik odreda “Vagner” učestvovao u borbama u Siriji.

- Bavim se građevinom, zbog čega sam i došao u Rusiju - tvrdi Savičiæ, i naglašava da je na ratištu u Lugansku proveo svega nekoliko dana.

Posle kratkotrajnog boravka na frontu i ranjavanja, kako ističe, njegova ratna epizoda je završena.


10. maj 2014
Odličen podcast o nastanku DNR, posnet v okviru Reutersovega projekta War College. Intervjujan je Antony Butts, ki je bil v Donetsku od začetka aprila 2014 in to v samem centru dogajanja. Sicer traja 25 min, ampak še enkrat, mus poslušanje, če te zadeva vsaj malo zanima.

za TL;DL lenobe pa

Ukrajina je (bila) shithole, lokalci so želeli poustvarit USSR, Rusija pa je konflikt na vse možne načine podpihovala.


10. maj 2014
Tole v glavnem pokriva obdobje do konca maja 2014, ko je na sceno prišel ruski bataljon Vostok. Tu je konec ljudskega upora&anarhije in začetek direktnega moskovskega nadzora nad DNR.

Rumors that battle-hardened Chechen fighters from Russia's notorious Vostok Battalion are active in eastern Ukraine have been swirling for weeks.

They unexpectedly materialized on May 29 when dozens of heavily armed men identifying themselves as members of the Vostok Battalion stormed the separatists' headquarters in central Donetsk, evicting the motley band of pro-Russian rebels that had occupied the building since March.

The brazen raid, conducted in broad daylight, has plunged the region into new uncertainty. The emergence of such a widely recognizable Russian military structure in eastern Ukraine has also raised questions about Moscow's role in the conflict.


The Vostok fighters in Donetsk say they want to put an end to the rebels' looting of groceries from local supermarkets.

Their raid on the separatists' headquarters, however, is widely seen as an attempt by a group of Moscow-connected separatists to rid the insurgency of ragtag elements and assert control over eastern Ukraine.

This group is led by Igor Girkin, who goes by the pseudonym "Strelkov" and commands the separatists' military operations in Slovyansk, and Aleksandr Borodai, the prime minister of the self-proclaimed "Donetsk People's Republic."

Girkin -- who the Kyiv government says is a Russian military intelligence officer -- has himself taken a tough stand against indiscipline within rebel ranks, recently ordering the execution of two looters.

The Donetsk raid was obviously aimed at shaming the militants who had established quarters there, analysts say.

Vostok fighters actually led Western journalists through the reclaimed building, vigorously breaking down doors and showing off the groceries, cigarettes, and alcohol looted by the previous occupiers.

This adds weight to the notion that Moscow, after tacitly fueling separatist unrest for weeks, is now eager to rein in the spiraling anarchy unleashed in eastern Ukraine.