A Ukrainian soldier in a hospital in government-controlled Konstantinovka (56km north of Donetsk) told the SMM that he was being treated for injuries sustained at the Donetsk airport on 19 January. He said 80 Ukrainian soldiers in total had suffered the same injuries, manifested in uncontrollable muscle spasms, vomiting and difficult breathing. Some, he said, had become unconscious. Eleven of the soldiers had been transferred to a hospital in Dnepropetrovsk, he said.
A report published on 25 January by Armament Research Services, a specialty arms and munitions consultancy in Perth, Australia, says the mysterious cufflink-shaped projectiles presumably fired by riot police on Hrushevskoho Street at protesters during clashes this week are not meant for riot control, but for stopping vehicles, busting through doors and piercing armor. The bullets, writes Jenzen-Jones, who specializes in Eastern bloc weapons, are special armor-piercing 12-gauge shotgun projectiles, likely developed and produced by the Spetstekhnika (Specialized Equipment) design bureau, a facility located in Kiev and associated with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Bit æe to sukob svih sa svima: ukrajinskih regularnih vojnih postrojbi s proruskim pobunjenicima; ukrajinskih desničarskih dobrovoljačkih odreda s proruskim pobunjenicima i s regularnim ukrajinskim snagama sigurnosti, ali i s gladnim i nezadovoljnim civilima; sukob ukrajinskog istoka i zapada, sjevera i juga. U obzir treba uzeti i otvoren ulazak ruskih oružanih snaga na teritorij Ukrajine. U nastali kaos Zapad se neæe vojno miješati
NOVORUSIJA – Ukrajinski sajt državne bezbednosti MediaArnbrg, koji svakodnevno objavljuje grafičke prikaze i izveštaje stanja na frontu, objavio je današnju grafiku iz koje se vidi da ukrajinska armija vrši napade duž cele granice sa Novorusijom, odnosno, sa DNR i LNR.
Zadeve, ki so v proizvodnji max 2 leti (M16-A5) Time travel ejgaCitat:
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Da. Čisto slučajno take modele, ki jih je Rusija zaplenila v Gruziji l. 2008.
A Kit Up! reader forwarded me some great info on a few things that gun accessory makers are doing to improve current M4s and M16s.
One of these is the EMod A5 combo kit manufactured by VLTOR. Basically the company is marketing the kit to the Marine Corps as a way to upgrade their inventory of M-16A4s. The company says that if the Corps adopts the kit — which they say the USMC is looking at — the rifle would thence be called the M-16A5.