This is the US global agenda:
1. Concentrate wealth in the hands of the elite.
2. Have continual wars, to dominate the world, and make money for the elite.
3. Aid the creation of a Greater Israel, which is the home base of many of the elite.
To achieve its goals, the USA seeks to put 'the bad guys' into power around the world.
Think of Poroshenko in Ukraine, Martelly in Haiti, various Muslim Brotherhood thugs in North Africa...
The problem for the USA is that these puppets of the CIA are not popular with the local electorates.
And so there is a need for false flag operations, rigged elections and wars.
Note that Aleksandr Zakharchenko is more popular in the Donetsk People's Republic than Poroshenko is in Kiev.
"Washington financed, organized, and promoted pro NATO shock troops to seize power from ... President Yevtushenko ...
"The Kiev junta led by oligarch Petro Poroshenko dispatched air and ground troops to repress the popular resistance..."
1. The USA's chosen clients cannot and do not win free and open elections.
When the elections are relatively free and open, the anti-US candidates win.
2. In Bolivia, Evo Morales has won three Presidential elections against Washington backed rightist parties.
3. In Venezuela, the party of Hugo Chavez has won every Presidential and Congressional election except one over the past 15 years, despite US multi-million dollar funding of neo-liberal opposition parties.
The USA now carries out paramilitary attacks of pro-democracy leaders and activists.
3. In Ecuador President Correa survived a CIA-backed coup.
4. In Honduras President Manual Zelaya was toppled by a CIA coup.
5. In Brazil, the party of President Rousseff has won four straight elections against US backed neo-liberal candidates.
In the run-up to the 2014, financial speculators attempted, unsuccessfully, to strike fear in the electorate.
6. In Argentina, the Kirchners have won elections in spite of the machinations of the CIA and American financial elites.
7. In Paraguay President Fernando Lugo was deposed in an American backed coup.
8. In Ukraine, the USA used force to topple the government.
9. In Russia, the US uses 'think tanks' and NGOs to destabilize the government.
The US, after organising its coup in Ukraine, has imposed sanctions on Russia.
10. In Iran, the leadership (originally put into power by the CIA when it toppled the Shah) has opposed the Gulf states and supported Syria.
The USA has, at times, attempted to destabilize Iran via sanctions, and, assassinate Iranian scientists.
11. In Egypt, the USA has created havoc.
(The CIA organised the Arab Spring to topple Mubarak, and others, and put into power the Muslim Brotherhood. When the Egyptian people realised that they had been tricked, they voted for Abdel Sisi, an opponent of the CIA's Muslim Brotherhood.)
12. In Libya, the USA toppled Gaddafi (whom it had originally put into power).
13. In Palestine, the Israeli occupation has generally been backed by the USA.
14. In Lebanon, the USA continually attempts to destabilise the freely elected government.
15. In Syria, the USA stirred up trouble and is using Islamist extremits to try to topple Assad.
16. In the case of China, the US pursues a policy of military encirclement and internal destabilization.
The US has supported violent Uighur separatists and protests in Hong Kong.
The US has tried to exclude China from major trade and investment agreements.
17. In Mexico the US has advised, finances and backs rightist regimes whose military, paramilitary and narco-terrorist forces recently murdered and burned alive 43 teachers’ college students and are deeply implicated in the killing of 100,000 “other” Mexicans, in less than a decade.
18. In Colombia, as a result of US machinations, thousands of civil society and human rights activists, journalists, trade union leaders and peasants, have been murdered. Over 3 million small land -holders have been dispossessed.
19. In the USA, we see the massive growth of the secret political police, the National Security Agency, the shredding of constitutional guarantees, the conversion of electoral processes into elite controlled multi-billion dollar charades, and the growing impunity of police involved in civilian murders.
20. From some of the examples above, we see that The CIA's bad guys can be defeated.
That disastrous neo-liberal policies can be reverted.
That welfare states, reductions in poverty, unemployment and inequalities can be legislated despite imperial efforts to the contrary.
21. The Presidency and the Congress are despised by three quarters of the American public.
1. Concentrate wealth in the hands of the elite.
2. Have continual wars, to dominate the world, and make money for the elite.
3. Aid the creation of a Greater Israel, which is the home base of many of the elite.
To achieve its goals, the USA seeks to put 'the bad guys' into power around the world.
Think of Poroshenko in Ukraine, Martelly in Haiti, various Muslim Brotherhood thugs in North Africa...
The problem for the USA is that these puppets of the CIA are not popular with the local electorates.
And so there is a need for false flag operations, rigged elections and wars.
Note that Aleksandr Zakharchenko is more popular in the Donetsk People's Republic than Poroshenko is in Kiev.
"Washington financed, organized, and promoted pro NATO shock troops to seize power from ... President Yevtushenko ...
"The Kiev junta led by oligarch Petro Poroshenko dispatched air and ground troops to repress the popular resistance..."
1. The USA's chosen clients cannot and do not win free and open elections.
When the elections are relatively free and open, the anti-US candidates win.
2. In Bolivia, Evo Morales has won three Presidential elections against Washington backed rightist parties.
3. In Venezuela, the party of Hugo Chavez has won every Presidential and Congressional election except one over the past 15 years, despite US multi-million dollar funding of neo-liberal opposition parties.
The USA now carries out paramilitary attacks of pro-democracy leaders and activists.
3. In Ecuador President Correa survived a CIA-backed coup.
4. In Honduras President Manual Zelaya was toppled by a CIA coup.
5. In Brazil, the party of President Rousseff has won four straight elections against US backed neo-liberal candidates.
In the run-up to the 2014, financial speculators attempted, unsuccessfully, to strike fear in the electorate.
6. In Argentina, the Kirchners have won elections in spite of the machinations of the CIA and American financial elites.
7. In Paraguay President Fernando Lugo was deposed in an American backed coup.
8. In Ukraine, the USA used force to topple the government.
9. In Russia, the US uses 'think tanks' and NGOs to destabilize the government.
The US, after organising its coup in Ukraine, has imposed sanctions on Russia.
10. In Iran, the leadership (originally put into power by the CIA when it toppled the Shah) has opposed the Gulf states and supported Syria.
The USA has, at times, attempted to destabilize Iran via sanctions, and, assassinate Iranian scientists.
11. In Egypt, the USA has created havoc.
(The CIA organised the Arab Spring to topple Mubarak, and others, and put into power the Muslim Brotherhood. When the Egyptian people realised that they had been tricked, they voted for Abdel Sisi, an opponent of the CIA's Muslim Brotherhood.)
12. In Libya, the USA toppled Gaddafi (whom it had originally put into power).
13. In Palestine, the Israeli occupation has generally been backed by the USA.
14. In Lebanon, the USA continually attempts to destabilise the freely elected government.
15. In Syria, the USA stirred up trouble and is using Islamist extremits to try to topple Assad.
16. In the case of China, the US pursues a policy of military encirclement and internal destabilization.
The US has supported violent Uighur separatists and protests in Hong Kong.
The US has tried to exclude China from major trade and investment agreements.
17. In Mexico the US has advised, finances and backs rightist regimes whose military, paramilitary and narco-terrorist forces recently murdered and burned alive 43 teachers’ college students and are deeply implicated in the killing of 100,000 “other” Mexicans, in less than a decade.
18. In Colombia, as a result of US machinations, thousands of civil society and human rights activists, journalists, trade union leaders and peasants, have been murdered. Over 3 million small land -holders have been dispossessed.
19. In the USA, we see the massive growth of the secret political police, the National Security Agency, the shredding of constitutional guarantees, the conversion of electoral processes into elite controlled multi-billion dollar charades, and the growing impunity of police involved in civilian murders.
20. From some of the examples above, we see that The CIA's bad guys can be defeated.
That disastrous neo-liberal policies can be reverted.
That welfare states, reductions in poverty, unemployment and inequalities can be legislated despite imperial efforts to the contrary.
21. The Presidency and the Congress are despised by three quarters of the American public.