Uporabnik darjan pravi:
To je pa dobra novica, če je resnična bo pa hitro znano.
A few days ago Russian government has posted a bill to ban import of different foods coming from Europe and US (also Australia and Canada). It was said that this ban would be active for one year long and its term can be changed at any time. What did they ban? Mostly all dairy and meat products out of these countries, also as I understood all fruit and vegetables are forbidden to import too. People started already posting photos of empty shelves into their blogs and twitters and instagram accounts that are said to be meant display food connected photos in them. News reports says that the trucks full of foreign foods being turned away from the borders.
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
v sredo zjutraj prispe ta konvoj v ukrajino, do takrat še imajo čas, da uredijo "papire", da ne bo sranja...
"It has all been agreed with Ukraine," Business FM radio quoted President Vladimir Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, as saying.
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
In? Pa ti veš, od kje so tovornjaki odpeljali?
from the Moscow region