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Invasiveness and extermination
Budding is a major factor underlying the invasiveness of pharaoh ants. A single seed colony can populate a large office block, almost to the exclusion of all other insect pests, in less than six months. Elimination and control are difficult because multiple colonies can consolidate into smaller colonies during extermination programs only to repopulate later. Pharaoh ants are a major hazard in hospitals, where their small size means they can access wounds and medical instruments, causing the spread of infection and electrical interference.
Pharaoh ants have become a serious pest in almost every type of building. They can feed on a wide variety of foods including grease, sugary foods, and dead insects. They can also gnaw holes in silk, rayon and rubber goods. Nests can be very small, making detection even more difficult.[4] They are usually found in wall voids, under floors, or in various types of furniture.[4] In homes, they are often found foraging in bathrooms or near food.[5]
Pharaoh ants have been exterminated by placing baits, consisting of ground liver mixed with boric acid, in places where the ants forage. Renewing the baits once or twice may be necessary. It is recommended not to exterminate using sprays and dusts because they will cause the pharaoh ants to scatter.