Uporabnik ferdo pravi:
Nekaj dejstev:
ker še ni bilo dept to equity je lastnik Mercatorja še vendo Agrokor in ne banke.
glede neučinkovite državne lastnine pa citat:
"The federal government held a direct participation in 108 companies and an indirect participation in 508 companies at the end of 2015, most prominently Deutsche Bahn (100%), Deutsche Telekom (32%), and Deutsche Post (21%)"
"There is no privatization program ongoing"
PA še dodaten info.
Germany’s savings banks are mainly owned by the municipalities, while the so-called Landesbanken are typically owned by regional savings bank associations and the state governments.
Skratka v nekaterim ljubi Nemčiji je država zelo močen lastnik.
Državna lastnina per se ni slaba.
Lastnik so banke. Komu je največ dolžan Todorič?