Lepote multikulturnosti 4


6. sep 2007
Jaz sem pa vedno mislil, da je potrebno za azil zaprositi v prvi najbližji varni državi. Če se že ne boriš v vojni v svoji domovini. Ampak lej, sigurno se motim in je legalno prišel čez vse meje.
Ni legalno prišel čez vse meje, je pa na koncu (beri: na cilju) dobil legalno odločbo o bivanju v Nemčiji tako da je tip dejansko tam bil legalen migrant. Kako oz. zakaj je pa prišlo do tega, da je dobil legalno dovoljenje za bivanje je pa že druga zgodba in kar se pa varne države (v tem grmu tudi tiči zajec glede legalnosti bivanja) tiče je pa zadeva sledeča: res se je začelo vse skupaj z definicijo, da je varna država tista, v kateri begunec ni več življensjko ogrožen in da lahko zaprosi za azil izključno tam, zato se je pred časom tudi govorilo o vračanju ilegalnih migrantov v te države a potem so pa skozi leta (cca.8 let je že to v igri) poskrbeli za posodobitve teh zastarelih definicij, ki so izvirale iz leta 1951 sprovedene begunske konvencije ter begunskega protokola sprejetega leta 1967 in sedaj imamo takole kar se tiče azila & varnih držav:

In the context of asylum, the term 'safe country' refers to countries which do not generally generate protection needs for their people or countries in which asylum seekers are protected and are not in danger. EU law provides four safe country concepts which can be applied:
  • Safe country of origin: Under specific circumstances, certain countries can be designated as generally safe for their nationals or former residents. As a result, asylum applications from such countries are likely to be unfounded, and Member States may accelerate or prioritise their examination. The concept is described in the recast APD, Article 36.
  • Safe third country: A safe country with which the applicant has a genuine connection and where he/she should have applied for international protection. Unlike the safe country of origin concept, this concept is not related to the substance of the application and the application may be declared inadmissible.
  • First country of asylum: Asylum seekers and refugees may be returned to a country where they have, or could have, sought international protection and where their safety would not be jeopardised, whether in that country or through a return from the first country to the country of origin. The concept of first country of asylum is defined in the recast APD, Article 35
  • European safe third country: Certain European third countries observe particularly high human rights and refugee protection standards.


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
in ferdo še naprej tiste svoje :)


6. sep 2007
Here we go again...

Woman in life-threatening condition after stabbing at Notting Hill carnival​

A 32-year-old woman is in a life-threatening condition in hospital after being stabbed at the Notting Hill carnival, the Metropolitan police have said.

The force said on Sunday it was aware of three stabbings at the annual west London celebrations, with a 29-year-old man in hospital with non-life threatening injuries, and a 24-year-old man also stabbed whose condition had yet to be confirmed.

A mother who attended Notting Hill Carnival on Sunday with her child narrowly avoided being killed after she was stabbed, the Metropolitan Police has said. The 32-year-old remains in a critical condition in hospital. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Ade Adelekan said Carnival's family day had been "marred by unacceptable violence". Issuing an update on Monday morning, the Met said two men had also been stabbed at the west London street festival on Sunday. A 29-year-old has non life-threatening injuries, while a 24-year-old discharged himself after receiving hospital treatment.
No arrests have been made in relation to the three stabbings.