Prašiček padel, ko vreča dreka
Prašiček padel, ko vreča dreka
Rtv v vsem svojem blišču. Osumljenec "naj bi..."
Mannheim: Napadalec naj bi z nožem napadel udeležence protiislamskega shoda. Ranjen je policist.
vse to bi zadržale Libija, Sirija in Irak. A ni že Gadafi v OZN ali kje , povedal kaj se bo zgodilo. Sicer pa - ko so enkrat tukaj (Španija, Italija,...) - kaj potem?Dve v Maroku. Tale je malce manj poznana.
Integracija.vse to bi zadržale Libija, Sirija in Irak. A ni že Gadafi v OZN ali kje , povedal kaj se bo zgodilo. Sicer pa - ko so enkrat tukaj (Španija, Italija,...) - kaj potem?
This photo best represents 2024 Europe:
An Afghan immigrant stabs a German police officer, while he is restraining a citizen that tried to defend himself against the stabber. Across Europe, if you try to defend yourself, you will be arrested for “Islamophobia”.
“We supported you when you were threatened, and now our rights are threatened, and you’re the one doing the threatening.”You get, what you ask for...
‘A sense of betrayal’: liberal dismay as Muslim-led US city bans Pride flags
Many liberals celebrated when Hamtramck, Michigan, elected a Muslim-majority council in 2015 but a vote to exclude LGBTQ+ flags from city property has soured
moj ex sodelavc bi rekel nije to moj problem, znaš...Zabodeni policist Rouven L. je žal umrl.
Germany: Police Officer Dies After Afghan Migrant Mass Stabbing
A police officer has died after being stabbed by an Afghan migrant who attacked an anti-Islamification rally in Mannheim,