Three European Union foreign ministers who had travelled to Kiev for talks with President Viktor Yanukovych flew out without seeing him.
The EU will discuss sanctions later.
Ben Rhodes, a US national security advisor, told press on Wednesday: “We are in consultation with the European Union on the questions like which individuals should be held responsible for the violence, and in consideration of issues like imposing sanctions related to the ongoing violence.”
He spoke after the US added 20 Ukrainian regime members to a visa ban list which it launched in January.
The US treasury department has also done research into the international assets of Ukraine’s nomenklatura, most of which are held in Europe.
Poland’s Radek Sikorski told the New York Times while en route to Ukraine that Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych is unlikely to be listed in order to keep channels of communication open: “After all, he’s still the democratically elected President, large numbers voted for him and he still controls the situation, though he’s made a complete mess of it.”
Uporabnik Matey pravi:
Dejansko bi jim morali kakšno združeno EU/UN vojsko poslat, da se špilajo mirovnike kot v kakšni Bosni ter uvest referendum, da se državljani zjasnijo kaj želijo (v smislu morebitne delitve države). Res ne vem zakaj se povsod po svetu lahko lansira vojake, v takem primeru pa kar nobeden nič pa imajo dejansko vojno.
Uporabnik tesfalar pravi:
A ti to resno?
Če jih Putin spusti v Kijev, jih bo imel čez 3 mesece na 20+ lokacijah po federaciji.