Uporabnik Guinness pravi:
Eh fantje umirte se, zgleda da ste tud vi mal brihtola prevec pojedl. Tko kot si napisal: a bo iconomi zmagal, mislim da ja. Tocno tako - mislis da ja. Vmes se lahko zgodi se cuda stvari. Tudi jaz imam kar nekaj icnja kupljenega ampak, ce me kdo vprasa kam vlozit ta trenutek, mu ga pac ne svetujem, ce upa na hiter zasluzek.
ti si popolnoma zgrešil bistvo ... kak ti je to ratalo?
itak noben ne ve kaj bo jutri, lahko severnokorejci bombo vržejo pa je konec
gre se zato, da primerjate stvari, ki se jih ne da primerjat ... na eni strani ene ideje na papirju, kaj želijo določene ekipe naredit .... na drugi strani pa iconomi, startup ki ima produkt, ki ga trži in mu ta produkt dela prihodek ... vidiš da to tvoje ni niti približno isto ?
pa najboljše da še sem prilepim z reddita, ker eni verjetno ne bodo našli:
[–]jani8x 103 točk pred 8 dan*
For all FUDers I'll start with a quote from an article: "First, the bubbly nature of the ICO market seems to favour the ability to tell a story over the ability to create a great product. The risk here is we’ll end up with more “stock promoters” than “product makers.”"
We happen to be product makers and not hype promoters. Because long term product makers surpass hype promoters by a lot.
With all this FUD there is never conversation about fundamentals. Because you can not have ICONOMI fundamentals and FUD in the same sentence. ICONOMI fundamentals are healthy. Yesterday for example we got more than 200k USD into BLX with 308 buy events. It was no spike. Just an average day. With those numbers ICONOMI as a project is 90% cash positive! That means we make 90% of money we burn every day! And we're able to do that because we have a functional product out and a lot more coming in the near future. Now compare that to any other blockchain project or to even any other startup that is less than a year old!