Klasika: Katere filme ste gledali? III


24. jul 2007
Gledal 3 filme of Liama Neesona...

Honest Thief (2020)
Blesava zgodba.... mjeh

A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)
Še najboljši od vseh teh. Dober za pogledat.

The Ice Road (2021)
Za eno odspat vmes.

Zgleda, da postaja Steven Seagal 90s... No vsaj nekaj se trudi v primerjavi z Bruce Willisom, kateri pride na snemanje za dva dni in potem ga briga, kaj bodo naredili. In to je glavni igralec, ki je Schindlerja igral. Zgleda, da po Taken je vse šlo dol.
Nazadnje urejeno:
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: sajkek


24. jul 2007

Gold (2022)https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6020800/

Najbolj neumen film vseh časov, potem se šel gledat na reddit kaj si mislijo.

S tem, bi bilo nekaj logike... zgleda da sem preveč low IQ.
Efron is the pilot for the plane we see in the trailer.

Woman maybe his wife who was in the plane at the time who died etc.

'Gold' is the gravestone that he buried his wife in, woman is trying to convince him to leave, the gruff 'partner' is the devil on the shoulder convincing him to stay.

When we see Efron stumbling through the desert, he looks to be carrying a parachute bag of some sort, the woman has a pilots harness on as well.

The area around the gold is very cairn like with the stones, quick burial, with the heat, its attracting the dingos or whichever animals they are. When the animals arrive, he is holding onto the 'gold' whilst they approach, trying to protect the person buried there maybe.

The only way that theory falls apart is with the truck and stuff but i guess that could be a bait and switch etc.


13. okt 2016
145 km SZ od Opatije
The Attack

Dr. Amin Jaafari is an assimilated Arab surgeon who seems to have it all with a promising career with honors among the Israelis in Tel Aviv. That all changes after a devastating terrorist suicide bombing and his beloved wife, Siham, is found among the dead as the primary suspect. Although initially refusing to accept that as Shin Bet interrogates him, Amin comes to realize the allegations are true. Now, the ostracized Amin resolves to find out on his own why Siham had so strong a conviction that she kept secret from him. However, the answers prove hard to come by and the truths involved have a terrible pain of their own.



13. okt 2016
145 km SZ od Opatije
Don't look up

Imam (z)mešane občutke ... ne bi ga odsvetoval, pa tudi priporočal ga ne bi ... me pa zanima, a imamo kak scenarij, da se to enkrat res zgodi? Bi v meteor poslali rakete proti toči, al kaj?

Je pa film dober pokazatelj, kaj je RES pomembno na planetu Zemlja ($$$). Jebeš okoljevarstvo, jebeš boj proti lakoti ...
in dejansko se to res dogaja, v malo drugačni oblliki: med Covidom je peščica najbogatejših še bolj obogatela. In še kar bogati.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Jeri


16. mar 2008
imamo, saj so pred kratkim testirali...ne vem pa rezultatov... ne vem imena misije, tako da ne grem zdaj googlat.


16. mar 2008
House of Gucci, vredi, zabaven film, lepo pokaže žensko preračunljivost in pohlep :evil:
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Jeri


5. sep 2007
Don't look up

Imam (z)mešane občutke ... ne bi ga odsvetoval, pa tudi priporočal ga ne bi ... me pa zanima, a imamo kak scenarij, da se to enkrat res zgodi? Bi v meteor poslali rakete proti toči, al kaj?

Je pa film dober pokazatelj, kaj je RES pomembno na planetu Zemlja ($$$). Jebeš okoljevarstvo, jebeš boj proti lakoti ...
in dejansko se to res dogaja, v malo drugačni oblliki: med Covidom je peščica najbogatejših še bolj obogatela. In še kar bogati.

mah, glede na to, da je kao komedija... ni glih smešen
pol spet je antitrumpovski... tud to ni več smešno... deluje kot en posiljen agitprop

se pa da pogledat do konca, kar je dandanašnji že kr uspeh