Zdravo. Inštaliral sem telemach TV in koaksalni kabel in TV box očitno motita woofer, ki brni na neki konstantni frekvenci.
Woofer in vse naprave imam priklopljeno na receiver. Iz receiverja gre HDMI na TV.
Ima kdo kakšno idejo kako to odpraviti? Telemachov monter ni znal odpraviti.
Google pravi, sprobavaj razne vtičnice, ... obrni za 180 stopinj preden vklopiš napravo v štrom itd... na koncu pa pravijo, da probaj s tem:
install an isolation transformer on the cable.
Kaj je to po slovensko? Nikjer ne najdem pri nas tega? klical HTE in Techtrade pa noben ne ve nič o tem... ali pa ne znam razložiti kaj rabim?
Woofer in vse naprave imam priklopljeno na receiver. Iz receiverja gre HDMI na TV.
Ima kdo kakšno idejo kako to odpraviti? Telemachov monter ni znal odpraviti.
Google pravi, sprobavaj razne vtičnice, ... obrni za 180 stopinj preden vklopiš napravo v štrom itd... na koncu pa pravijo, da probaj s tem:
install an isolation transformer on the cable.
Kaj je to po slovensko? Nikjer ne najdem pri nas tega? klical HTE in Techtrade pa noben ne ve nič o tem... ali pa ne znam razložiti kaj rabim?
If the subwoofer is plugged into its own outlet, plug the subwoofer's power cord into an outlet shared by the other components. Use an extension cord if necessary.
If the hum persists, and your system includes a cable TV, disconnect the cable line. If the hum stops, install an isolation transformer on the cable.
If the hum persists, disconnect the remaining component cables one at a time until the hum stops. Install a coaxial isolation transformer on that cable.
If the hum persists, install a line-level ground loop isolator on the subwoofer's line-level feed cable. This usually solves most hum problems.
If nothing helps, disconnect all the audio cables from the subwoofer. Leave the subwoofer plugged in and switched on. If the subwoofer hums, it points to a defective unit. Contact the company's customer service to technical support [source: PartsExpress]. //]]]]> ]]>