Skratka prodajam nek večji kos pohištva na bolhi, za cirka jurja. Nakar naslednji dan dobim mail od nekega tujca, po imenu in priimku sklepam da je nekje iz UK ozeroma tam nekje. Dopisujeva se po mailu ene dva dni, nakar pristaneva na ceno. Misleč da je pač tujec ki živi v SLO, dobim naslednji mail takšen:
I am ok with your price, give me your paypal email so i can proceed with the payment, my shipping agent will be coming for the pick up
after i complete the payment, and i will be responsible for all transportation charges to my home in Scortland I'll like you to send
me your address so that my shipping agent can figure it out and come for the pick up and other necessary things.
Meni zgleda sumljivo. Mnenja? Vem za natege iz Afrike, Nigerijce, cifre na katere se ne smeš javljat itd, ampak tole mi je novo....mnenja?
I am ok with your price, give me your paypal email so i can proceed with the payment, my shipping agent will be coming for the pick up
after i complete the payment, and i will be responsible for all transportation charges to my home in Scortland I'll like you to send
me your address so that my shipping agent can figure it out and come for the pick up and other necessary things.
Meni zgleda sumljivo. Mnenja? Vem za natege iz Afrike, Nigerijce, cifre na katere se ne smeš javljat itd, ampak tole mi je novo....mnenja?