Recimo. Mojstri v okviru Panacee so preizkusili par izboljšav in sestavili spodaj prilepljen "priročnik". Kolikor jih spremljam oni dejansko preizkusijo zadeve in potem tudi povejo rezultat. Ne prodajajo rešitev (če jih, imaš možnost obvoza), informacije so open source. Jaz osebno tehle zadev nisem preizkušal, ker žal nimam opreme in premalo vem o motorjih, da bi se igral z njimi (zna bit drago). Bi pa znalo bit zanimivo za kakšnega odprtega mehankarja ali strojnika.
Aja, ne grem debatirat o tem ali tole deluje ali ne. Tole je informacija, vzemite jo kot tako. Če koga spodbode, da bo kakšno stvar poskusil še sam, toliko bolje.
igranje z motorji
Še prenešen začetek dokumenta (za kebra, da mu ne bo treba odpirat zadeve
- drugače ima dokument 131 strani)
Currently we have a public health issue which we can address by installing retrofitting modifications to all new and after market cars, trucks, generators, boats and motorbikes to stop pollution, save energy and help relieve an economic burden.
However there are currently no public retrofitting garages or any endorsements by governments set up to ensure and secure the installation of these pollution cutters/fuel savers to capacity. Panacea wishes to present the following data which our volunteers have collected on these modification's and report the good news regarding our FREE “fuel saving and pollution cutting school” to help train individuals and mechanics.
The information presented in this document and Panacea’s FREE up and coming school is intended to help train mechanics, create retrofitting garages and assist the individual install these modifications.
This information needs your help to spread effectively through blogs, friends, community groups and the media. Panacea has also produced a video production to help spread this education. Please help forward this PDF/Video to your government members and to as many as possible. We are all needed to work together, that is the very essence of the Panacea spirit. Thank you for reading and to all our donors.-The Panacea Trustee’s and directors.
You-Tube- Panacea's Fuel Saving & Pollution Cutting Modifications
This document will describe retro fitting modifications, engine lubricants and additives which can be applied to internal combustion engines (Diesel, LPG, CNG and Petrol) to save energy, relieve an economic burden and cut reduce pollution. Panacea will be consistently upgrading this PDF document with any new additional
testing results or devices. You can subscribe FREE at the Panacea university site for these updates.
The key benefits of this document are expressed through its' capacity to improve PUBLIC HEALTH. The potential health benefits that can result by the retrofitting of these modifications are unique. There are no other existing technologies TODAY that can be applied to what we have now and match these health benefits. The emphasis is on "what we have now" after market internal combustion engines. It would take an estimated 10+ years to replace all the worlds current polluting internal combustion engine s with alternative energy technology (for example electric cars). Panacea’s pre testing of the Proprietary Z5 fuel saving and pollution cutting modification
The ONLY solutions listed for aftermarket cars on government and creditable internet sites to deal with pollution and fuel savings describe using Catalytic Converters, Drive less, Use cleaner engines, Drive hybrid vehicles, Keep your car in good working order, Use smaller cars and drive intelligently.
None of their current proposed “solutions” can match the fuel saving and pollution reduction capacity that these retro fitting modifications can do TODAY. The most alarming element is that none of the government websites list any of these solutions at all, this info remains non mainstream. There is no university or research group with a public face out there attempting to make these processes known in as much capacity aside from Panacea.
Aja, ne grem debatirat o tem ali tole deluje ali ne. Tole je informacija, vzemite jo kot tako. Če koga spodbode, da bo kakšno stvar poskusil še sam, toliko bolje.
igranje z motorji
Še prenešen začetek dokumenta (za kebra, da mu ne bo treba odpirat zadeve

Currently we have a public health issue which we can address by installing retrofitting modifications to all new and after market cars, trucks, generators, boats and motorbikes to stop pollution, save energy and help relieve an economic burden.
However there are currently no public retrofitting garages or any endorsements by governments set up to ensure and secure the installation of these pollution cutters/fuel savers to capacity. Panacea wishes to present the following data which our volunteers have collected on these modification's and report the good news regarding our FREE “fuel saving and pollution cutting school” to help train individuals and mechanics.
The information presented in this document and Panacea’s FREE up and coming school is intended to help train mechanics, create retrofitting garages and assist the individual install these modifications.
This information needs your help to spread effectively through blogs, friends, community groups and the media. Panacea has also produced a video production to help spread this education. Please help forward this PDF/Video to your government members and to as many as possible. We are all needed to work together, that is the very essence of the Panacea spirit. Thank you for reading and to all our donors.-The Panacea Trustee’s and directors.
You-Tube- Panacea's Fuel Saving & Pollution Cutting Modifications
This document will describe retro fitting modifications, engine lubricants and additives which can be applied to internal combustion engines (Diesel, LPG, CNG and Petrol) to save energy, relieve an economic burden and cut reduce pollution. Panacea will be consistently upgrading this PDF document with any new additional
testing results or devices. You can subscribe FREE at the Panacea university site for these updates.
The key benefits of this document are expressed through its' capacity to improve PUBLIC HEALTH. The potential health benefits that can result by the retrofitting of these modifications are unique. There are no other existing technologies TODAY that can be applied to what we have now and match these health benefits. The emphasis is on "what we have now" after market internal combustion engines. It would take an estimated 10+ years to replace all the worlds current polluting internal combustion engine s with alternative energy technology (for example electric cars). Panacea’s pre testing of the Proprietary Z5 fuel saving and pollution cutting modification
The ONLY solutions listed for aftermarket cars on government and creditable internet sites to deal with pollution and fuel savings describe using Catalytic Converters, Drive less, Use cleaner engines, Drive hybrid vehicles, Keep your car in good working order, Use smaller cars and drive intelligently.
None of their current proposed “solutions” can match the fuel saving and pollution reduction capacity that these retro fitting modifications can do TODAY. The most alarming element is that none of the government websites list any of these solutions at all, this info remains non mainstream. There is no university or research group with a public face out there attempting to make these processes known in as much capacity aside from Panacea.