Robert Barkwell and Susanne Shields (April 19, p 1144)
report that treatment of scabies with ivermectin seems associated with an increased risk of death within the first 6 months after treatment in elderly patients. This finding is worrying and will inspire further investigations into the safety of this effective
and practical therapy for scabies. This study raises some questions....
Serious neurological adverse events have been reported from large scale community-based ivermectin treatment campaigns against Onchocerciasis volvulus in Africa....
Deaths associated with ivermectin for scabies
Serious Neurological Adverse Events after Ivermectin
Sej bi še nadaljeval, ma bo že to dvoje preveč za glavnega akterja, ki bo linka presočil ali pa napisal radnom bedarijo
Classic scabies
Ivermectin Brand name product: Stromectol* Ivermectin is an oral antiparasitic agent approved for the treatment of worm infestations. Evidence suggests that oral ivermectin may be a safe and effective treatment for scabies; however, ivermectin is not FDA-approved for this use. Oral ivermectin should be considered for patients who have failed treatment with or who cannot tolerate FDA-approved topical medications for the treatment of scabies. If used for classic scabies, two doses of oral ivermectin (200µg/kg/dose) should be taken with food, each approximately one week apart. The safety of ivermectin in children weighing less than 15 kg and in pregnant women has not been established.
Note that although ivermectin guidelines recommend taking on an empty stomach, scabies experts recommend taking with a meal to increase bioavailability (CITE NEJM Currie article).
Take zadeve bos se za lekadol nasel. Jaz ti iz prve roke pa povem, da je bila starejsa zenska v moji okolici (par his naprej) cepljena proti sars cov 2, v dveh tednih postala POPOLNOMA DEMENTNA, en teden pozneje pa umrla. Pa zdaj?Deaths associated with ivermectin for scabies
Serious Neurological Adverse Events after Ivermectin
Sej bi še nadaljeval, ma bo že to dvoje preveč za glavnega akterja, ki bo linka presočil ali pa napisal radnom bedarijo
Kje pa se dobi listek od cepiva?Se za vsako zdravilo bos nasel nekaj, poglej listek v skatlici.
Seveda boš.Se za vsako zdravilo bos nasel nekaj, poglej listek v skatlici.
"By including ivermectin in a large-scale trial like PRINCIPLE, we hope to generate robust evidence to determine how effective the treatment is against COVID-19, and whether there are benefits or harms associated with its use," co-lead investigator of the trial Chris Butler said.![]()
Oxford University explores anti-parasitic drug ivermectin as COVID-19 treatment
The University of Oxford said on Wednesday it was testing anti-parasitic drug ivermectin as a possible treatment for COVID-19, as part of a British government-backed study that aims to aid recoveries in non-hospital
Eno je, ko ti zdravnik PRIPOROČA x enot, drugo pa je, ko ti dr. Facebooka VPIJE in TEŽI, da moraš pa jemati 10x enot. Ob tem, da podjetje, ki PROIZVAJA in SLUŽI od D vitamina priporoča x/2 enot. Zanimivo, ne?Enako vitamin D, ko se nekateri odzovejo, kot da jim predpisuješ biološko zdravilo.![]()
Si gledal ta-prvi MatrixSaj YT ma tud hude stranske učinke...Sam Andy-ja poglej.
Fakt je , da ima velik del prebivalstva stare celine razen poleti manjko vitamina d; in slednji ima vpliv na imunski sistemTočno ja kak je zaj z vitaminom D? Nič več se ga ne reklamira tu, tak kot jeseni ko so ga z vlko žlico jedli.
Al je zaj sonce spet med nami in ni potrebe?