The Saudis - keepers of the Holy Terror?
It was quite an adventure, what was happening at the G-20 summit in Antalya. There, the Saudi King was one of the signatories of the final declaration, which is the fight against terrorism at the center. Ironically, Saudi Arabia! The land that has been proven, the ideology of the Salafists promoting and financing worldwide.
The country where more people are beheaded as the territory of the so-called "Islamic State ?. Because you can marvel ever. It has just been announced that the United States, the closest ally of the Saudi dynasty, weapons worth over one billion dollars after will deliver Riad This has in the West for decades tradition. Even German governments have military exports to Saudi Arabia always nod and it does not look like itself would change.
We do not support so that a religious fundamentalist country that takes the since the attacks in Paris pathetic vaunted values underfoot? Human rights, freedom and equality, the protection of other religions - in Saudi Arabia is one of the all nothing. It's time to lift the veil and see the Saudi guardians of the Holy Places in the face.