Zanimivo je tudi, da med halal in kosher klanjem pravzaprav ni velike razlike (morda zgolj v smeri kamor mora gledat žival). To je tudi razlog, da tudi židje uvažajo žive živali:
Kosher slaughter
Kosher slaughter does not involve stunning. Kosher meat must be slaughtered in a particular way so as to be “fit and proper” for people of the Jewish faith to consume, and must not contain any blood. The animals must be killed by a rabbi specially trained in religious slaughterer. A sharp knife is used to cut the oesophagus, the trachea, carotid arteries and jugular veins in one action. Excessive pressure on the blade is forbidden. The animal is raised so blood flows out and this is then covered with dirt. Failure to do any of these acts correctly means the animal is considered unfit to eat.