Uporabnik undefined pravi:
Ja tale stran je mal buggasta pomoje.. Enkrat lahko shraniš, enkrat ne..
Jaz sem nekaj za hec naredil, lahko kdo poroča če dela in kako bi ocenili video
Prima je !
"Where were you concieved ?" "I can't tell"
"... I skip those bites too" "I like the way you roll"
"They say it prevents you from stabbing other people in the neck; it's also useful if you need an alibi"
"I can type as fast as a Superman on my Blackberry" "I'm sure you can; will you show me tomorrow ?" "Why the hell not ? Just tell me which tree you live on [baba je crna] ..."
Zakon ... nisem gledal kako stavr deluje, mapa ce mroas sam vnesti tekst in narediti, da se peckota premikata po svoje, potem mora biti precej truda.