OS je Win XP + SP2 (32bit)
driverje za na disketnik sem si potegnu tukaj dol
http://www.ecs.com.tw/ECSWebSi...=52&LanID=0 )
ko zaženem Setup pritisnem F6 in nato potrdim da bi naloži iz diskete:
Mi najprej napiše:
Setup could not determine the type of one or more mass storage devices installed on your system, or you have chosen to manually specify an adapter.
Currently, Setup will load support for the following mass storage devices:
<none> (Tukaj bi moralo biti ime trdega diska Hitachi?)
*To specify additional SCSI adapters, CD-ROM drives, or special disk controllers for use with Windows, including those for which you have a device support disk from a mass storage device manufacturer, press S.
*If you do not have any device support disks from a mass storage device manufacturer, or do not want to specify additional mass storage device for use with Windows, press ENTER.
pritisnem S:
izberem za Windows XP,
prebere disketo in mi napiše:
File \winXP\viasraid.sys caused an unexpected error (1024) at line 2113 in
Ma kaj zdaj moram narest, da mi bo zaznalo sata disk, moram naložit te driverje ali ne, in če ali bo moral še kaj prej v BIOSu spremenit.
če, rabite še kšno informacijo, pa kr vprašajte, ker jest jih rabim še bolj