mogoče tole pomaga:
To find SD serial number, put the card in a card reader,
such as a SD card slot in your computer.
Open the drive in "My Computer"
Click on "Tools", "Folder Options" "View"
Activate "Show hidden files and folders"
Un-Check "Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)
You will get a warning. Check off "Yes"
Click on "Apply" then “OK”
You should see a hidden file labelled USBTRANS.
Right click on it and open
You will see a file called UNIT_ID
Right click on it and open with "Notepad"
Here is what is on a SD card that I experimented on:
SW Version=2.03
Serial Number=11885005420
Code Flash=4
NAND Flash=16
SD Serial Number=4113545A4142323330534150
CF Serial Number=
Disk Serial Number=
USB Device=SD
The SD Serial Number line is what you're after.
the number: 4113545A4142323330534150 is what you will deal with.
The first 8 characters are in a Hex type form, so to read this line
and convert it (4113545A) you separate into pairs and reverse the
order. Here it is: 41 13 54 5A is read as 5A543141
This is confirmed to be correct for this card because I have a
Garmin iQ36oo GPS unit, and it has the ability to read an SD card
information along with the SD number.