Ja ja to že, da se na uncyclopediji pišejo ekstra bedarije, samo tiste fore, da so vsi otroci v Sloveniji retardirani je pa malo čez rob, pri njihovem opisu ni takih bedarij. Sicer pa opis Slovenije precej smešen,
Najbolj smešne stvari pa se najdejo o Hitlerju. Recimo opis:
Hitler was the Chancellor of Germany (and Führer) from 1933 — 1945. During his time in office, he socially and economically reformed Germany after the injustice of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles, established the Third Reich (Deutsches Reich), architected the Holocaust, and had three root canals as a result of his infatuous indulgence in Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
Despite these accomplishments, he was most famous for having led Germany as an Axis power through World War II,[1] or as he referred to it, The European World Tour 1939-1945, when he liberated Poland from Jewish influence, liberated France from incompetent rulers, and liberated Austria from itself. Notably, he also tried to liberate Russia from Communism and Britain from Third World domination, but was unable to do so.
He was also known for his amateur but passionate art and acting talents as displayed throughout his life in his memorable thespian service to the German war effort in World War I and in the penning and publication of his entertaining autobiography.
His efforts to promote global tolerance would earn him a Nobel Peace Prize nomination in 1939, title as Time Magazine's "Person of the Year" in 1938, and one of People Magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People" for 1943. Additionally, he was leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party and vice president of the Anti-Defamation League for several years, but was removed from this office after it was discovered that he didn't pay his membership fees.
Pa njegovi citati:
Hitler on Jews:
* "It's a misunderstanding. I said 'A glass of juice', not 'Gas the Jews'."
* "I may want to exterminate those subhuman Jewish vermin from the face of the Earth, but I think we've all been there."
* "Maybe after I've conquered these Jews I'll move onto another sub-human culture, who knows!?"
* "Well, people must have figured a few sacrifices were necessary to rebuilding Deutchland."
* "I didn't hear anybody complain when we were winning."
* "Who?"
* "I haven't decided what I'm going to do to the Jews yet, but for the moment I'm planning on concentrating them in camps of some sort until I think of a final solution."
* "I hate juice. It gives me tummy ache. Especially that Sunny Delight piss."
* "There are two people I hate in this world, Racists and the Jews."
* "Watching Jews die isn't cool. Now massacrating them is another topic."
* "When I was small, I really wanted this new candy that was in the market, and I asked this guy for money... He said he wouldn't lend it to me... then I asked him 'What type of person are you?'. His answer was Jew. That's when it all began..."
* " I had no idea that bagels had that many carbs!"
* "Killing them Jews. Well, it's dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it!"
Hitler on the Holocaust
* "I could've burned all the jews, but I left some so that you could see why I wanted them to burn"
* "Caust it was [censored] hilarious, that's why!"
* "Pfft, like concentration camps were even MY idea!"
* "Holowhat?"
* "Dude, seriously, calm the [censored] down! S'not like anybody missed them"
* "I didn't think it'd be that big of a deal, really..."
* "I was angry, and my myspace blog wasn't working..."
* "What holocaust? Oh, that."
* "More like lolocaust, amirite?"
* "Well, look on the upside. At least it wasn't as bad as the holocau---, Ah shit.
* "Could've been worse."
* "Cartman told me to do it."
* "Who?"
* "Whats the big deal? I did what everyone was thinking!"
* "Oh sure blame me for that forever....only a few million died....its not that bad..."
* "No-one would've complained If I was Arabic."
* "Meh, seemed like a good idea at the time."
* "I had a few thousands deutschmarks left over from rebuilding Germany from rubble, so I thought I'd treat myself"
* "I must say, if Bush could stop concentrating so much from Middle Easterners and focus more on Jews, he could be one of the greats. Maybe even up there with me!"
* "Initially it had meant to be a surprise party for them, but I had been drinking and there was a typo in the memo I sent out. I had meant to put [bring chips and dip]. Not [BURN those [censored] jews alive!!]. I'm a different person when I'm drinking."
* "It's was my first day on the job."
* "Deny everything."
* "It started as a joke!"
* Whats the big deal?
* "At least I had some leftover for you people to feast upon."