Kot berem, naj bi si prislužili visoke kazni zaradi oviranja prometa in vandalizma. Pa je postal drag špas.
Pri nas bi bila to pomembna nevladna organizacija financirana s tranidržave. Podobne prikrške bi prinas sodstvo al pa parlament enostavno preklical. bi pač sprejeli ustrezen zakon. Pogoj pa je, da bi bili podobni protesti v času janezove vladeKot berem, naj bi si prislužili visoke kazni zaradi oviranja prometa in vandalizma. Pa je postal drag špas.
The newly-announced boss of Starbucks, Brian Niccol, has come under fire after it was revealed he will commute almost 1,000 miles (1,600km) from his family home in Newport Beach, California, to the firm's headquarters in Seattle on a corporate jet.
Critics have noted what they see as a discrepancy between the company's public stance on green issues and the lifestyles of its top executives.
Ignoriranje je vedno najboljši odziv. Če npr. na mirsijevo plačano prorusko trolanje ljudje ne bi tripali, bi imel bistveno manj za pisat.![]()
In late July, a London court found Gethin and four other members of the Just Stop Oil activist group guilty of “conspiring intentionally to cause a public nuisance,” after recruiting protesters to climb structures along the M25 — a major ring road around London — bringing traffic to a standstill in parts over four days in November 2022. Prosecutors alleged that the protests, organized over a Zoom call, disrupted more than 700,000 drivers, caused economic damage of over £760,000 ($980,000) and racked up £1 million ($1.3m) in policing costs. Now Gethin and three others — Louise Lancaster, Daniel Shaw and Lucia Whittaker-De-Abreu, who planned the disruption on the call — are serving four-year jail terms, while Just Stop Oil co-founder Roger Hallam was given five years
ta avtistka je po vrh vsega še žleht k hudič, na ksihtu se ji vidi