Uporabnik bizi pravi:
Bom poročal. Ravno danes se mi je po tednu dni status pošiljke na nizozemskem spremenil iz Pre-advised v The item is at the PostNL sorting center. Sedaj res pričakujem pošiljko v nekaj dneh. Nisem niti vedel, da bodo pošiljali iz EU.
Daj ga malo potestiraj in javi, kako se obnese.Citat:
Uporabnik bizi pravi:
Uporabnik bizi pravi:
Bom poročal. Ravno danes se mi je po tednu dni status pošiljke na nizozemskem spremenil iz Pre-advised v The item is at the PostNL sorting center. Sedaj res pričakujem pošiljko v nekaj dneh. Nisem niti vedel, da bodo pošiljali iz EU.
Telefon sem dobil včeraj. Tako da z Gearbest ni nič narobe. Na ceno 104€ so mi nabili še 22% DDV in nekaj več kot 8€ carinskih in poštnih stroškov. Zdi se mi, da se je carinski postopek precej podražil.![]()
Dear customer,
Thanks for your attention, and sorry for all the inconvenience regarding this issue.
We are sorry that we cannot accept this unverified transaction via credit card. If you like the items, please place a new order and pay for the order via western union. Then we will not ask you for these pictures.
Then we will cancel the order and issue you a refund. Please check your account in 7-10 business days.
Please note that the exact length of time is dependent on your credit card company and is outside our control. Please contact your credit card company for specific information.
Any issues regarding this order please feel free to contact us here.
Best Regards.
Gearbest Customer Service
Uporabnik damo pravi:
kako si pa uredil, da so iz EU poslali v Slovenijo? Meni so rekli da ne gre.