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Changes made from version 4.80 to 6.20:
Added Smartphone Link support for countries outside North America where the Android Application is available.
Added the Tracker function for position sharing.
Improvements made to support Smartphone Link in Europe.
Fixed a bug that incorrectly reduced the number of red traffic events.
Added support to display building numbers on the map in Russia.
Improved the hint text for Voice Command address searches.
Added a display message when changing text language if Voice Command isn't supported in the selected language.
Added Voice Command support for the initial Saved Locations page to search for all Saved Locations.
Improvements made to Smartphone Link Traffic, and added quicker switching back to the Traffic Cable.
Added support for Tracker to share positions on the connected phone with Facebook and Twitter.
Added the ability to search for Fuel Prices along active routes in Europe.
Improvements made to Realtime Safety Cameras over Smartphone Link in Europe.
Improvements made to receiving locations sent from the phone over Smartphone Link.
Fixed a bug that prevented 3D buildings from displaying correctly in Russia.
Added support for localized YellowPages provider names.
Fixed a bug that caused pre-recorded voices to sound too loud.
Fixed a bug that prevented Elevation from working on the Trip Computer.
General bug fixes and improvements made to the software.