Garmin Novice


GPS presidente
25. feb 2010
Garmin® Launches zūmo® 590LM – A Rugged Motorcycle Navigator with Connected Infotainment Features


Zumo590LM_HR_2568.20OLATHE, Kan./April 2, 2014/Business Wire — Garmin® International Inc., a unit of Garmin Ltd. (NASDAQ: GRMN), the global leader in satellite navigation, today announced Garmin zūmo 590LM - a rugged motorcycle navigation system featuring a 5-inch touchscreen display that is glove-friendly, fuel-resistant and sunlight-readable. Zūmo 590LM boasts advanced navigation features and infotainment options to keep riders connected on the road. The portable navigator includes an MP3 player and is iPhone®, iPod® and Pandora® compatibile1, allowing riders to control music right on its display. Providing crucial real-time information on the go, zūmo 590LM offers access to weather and traffic information via the Smartphone Link2 app, as well as hands-free phone control and spoken directions heard in-helmet. Rounding out the connected features, zūmo 590LM is compatible with the Garmin Tire Pressure Monitor System3 and the Garmin VIRB action camera4. New premium navigation features include Garmin Real Directions™, Active Lane Guidance, and round trip routing.

“Zūmo 590LM redefines the motorcycle navigator by providing riders a connected infotainment hub with access to everything from navigation to weather and traffic, music control, hands-free calls, and tire pressure information,” said Dan Bartel, Garmin vice president of worldwide sales. ”The large 5-inch touchscreen display not only makes it easy to see relevant information at a glance, it also is optimized for motorcycle use and easy readability no matter what the light or weather conditions are.“

A Great View of the Road

With dual-orientation, users can position the navigator horizontally, for a wider view, or vertically, to see more of the route ahead. And, thanks to its high-sensitivity, glove-friendly display, entering information is as easy as shifting gears. The new and refined interface keeps the driving map onscreen at all times and displays additional information in slide-in windows, such as points of interest along the route and real-time traffic5.

New Connected Infotainment Functions

Zūmo 590LM features a range of new infotainment features that help riders stay connected on the road. Bluetooth® wireless technology allows the zūmo 590LM to connect to a compatible smartphone and a Bluetooth-enabled headset or helmet to make and receive calls and hear navigation commands. Users can also call points of interest through the zūmo Bluetooth interface – perfect for last-minute change of plans or a quick stop for food and fuel.

Zūmo 590LM includes an MP3 player and is compatible with iPod, iPhone and Pandora, so users can conveniently control their music through its display. Also through Bluetooth, users can receive live weather radar and traffic information via the Smartphone Link app.

Advanced Navigation Features

Zūmo 590LM includes the latest Garmin navigation technology, plus motorcycle-specific features. The Search Field makes it easy to find addresses and millions of points of interest. Garmin Real Directions is a feature only available from Garmin that provides more natural and intuitive directions, using landmarks, stop signs and traffic lights, rather than hard-to-read street names. Active Lane Guidance uses a combination of voice prompts and visual cues to prepare users to drive through an exit or interchange with confidence. An animated graphic appears next to the map view that uses brightly colored arrows to indicate the proper lane needed to make a turn; a friendly voice offers additional help. Bird’s Eye junction view offers a detailed view of interchanges, looking down as if from overhead. photoReal Junction View realistically displays junctions and interchanges along the route, including the surrounding landscape. zūmo 590LM also displays speed limit, current speed and time of arrival. Up Ahead appears alongside the driving map and constantly informs of nearby services, including restaurants, fuel stations, hospitals and stores.

Zūmo 590LM has motorcycle-friendly navigation features that make it easier than ever to plan a ride. Round trip routing, for example, can plan rides according to time, distance or location. Users just type in their requirements and let zūmo take care of the rest. If not the fastest but the most enjoyable route is desired, Curvy Roads allows riders to select and navigate routes on winding roads to their destination. With TracBack® they can navigate right back to where they started, along the same route.

Service History Log

Zūmo 590LM makes it easy to keep track of crucial bike data, like tire mileage, tire changes, tire pressure, chain cleanings, oil changes, and new spark plugs. The Service History Log also records date, mileage and performed maintenance. Even better, zūmo 590LM comes standard with a digital fuel gauge so riders can estimate how many miles they can ride before a fuel stop.

Rugged Design

With a rugged design that is resistant to fuel sprays, UV rays and harsh weather (water rating: IPX7)6, zūmo 590LM is built for life on the road. Zūmo is thoroughly vibration and drop-tested to withstand just about anything one can ride through. The device is powered by a removable battery, and in addition to a motorcycle mount, zūmo 590LM includes an automotive mount and power cable for use in a car.

Useful Accessories

Zūmo 590LM is compatible with the Garmin Tire Pressure Monitor System accessory. Users can add a TPMS sensor for each tire and wirelessly monitor the pressure using the zūmo display. The system works with up to four tires in any configuration. Furthermore, zūmo 590LM is compatible with the Garmin VIRB™ HD action camera, which can be controlled wirelessly using the zūmo touchscreen.

Zūmo 590LM includes free map updates7 for the useful life of the device, so every route reflects the most up-to-date points of interest, roads and navigation information available from Garmin. The new navigator also supports TOPO and custom maps, so users have the freedom to download and follow their own adventure maps (additional mapping sold separately).

Garmin zūmo 590 has a suggested retail price of $799.99 and is expected to become available in April 2014 . To learn more, go to

Garmin zūmo 590 is the latest from Garmin’s consumer automotive segment, the leading worldwide provider of mobile navigation solutions for motorcycles and off-roading. Garmin’s user-friendly personal navigation devices and apps have innovative features that provide time- and fuel-saving benefits to meet the demands of customers.

About Garmin International Inc.
Garmin International Inc. is a subsidiary of Garmin Ltd. (Nasdaq: GRMN), the global leader in satellite navigation. Since 1989, this group of companies has designed, manufactured, marketed and sold navigation, communication and information devices and applications – most of which are enabled by GPS technology. Garmin’s products serve automotive, mobile, wireless, outdoor recreation, marine, aviation, and OEM applications. A component of the S&P 500 index, Garmin Ltd. is incorporated in Switzerland, and its principal subsidiaries are located in the United States, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. For more information, visit Garmin's virtual pressroom at or contact the Media Relations department at 913-397-8200.

Garmin is a registered trademark of Garmin Ltd. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Garmin is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of respective owners. iPhone® and iPod® are trademarks of Apple, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. PANDORA, the PANDORA logo, and the Pandora trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pandora Media, Inc. All other brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

Notice on Forward-Looking Statements:

This release includes forward-looking statements regarding Garmin Ltd. and its business. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations. The forward-looking events and circumstances discussed in this release may not occur and actual results could differ materially as a result of known and unknown risk factors and uncertainties affecting Garmin, including, but not limited to, the risk factors listed in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 28, 2013, filed by Garmin with the Securities and Exchange Commission (Commission file number 0-31983). A copy of such Form 10-K is available at No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and Garmin undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

1 Music and Media control work with iPhone® 3GS or later, and some iPod® devices. Pandora works with iPhone 3GS or later and some Android™ devices. Pandora is currently available in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand.

2 User’s data plan charges, if any, will apply. Subscription required.

3 The system works with up to 4 tires in any configuration, additional purchase required for each wheel. Metal valve stems only. Not intended for automotive use

4 Sold separately.

5 User’s data plan charges, if any, will apply. Subscription of real-time traffic in the Garmin Smartphone Link app required.

6 Withstands incidental exposure to water of up to 1 meter for up to 30 minutes.

7 Lifetime Maps entitle you to receive map updates when and as such updates are made available by Garmin during the useful life of 1 compatible Garmin product or as long as Garmin receives map data from a third party supplier, whichever is shorter. For the meaning of a product’s “useful life” and for other important terms and conditions, please see

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GPS guru
Osebje foruma
7. jul 2009
v leru
Verjamem, da bo zadeva top za motoriste ampak to je milo rečeno vrtoglava cena + to, da je za nekatere funkcije treba imeti še subscription, pa da ni podpore v vseh telefonih (ali pa samo za japko) in regijah in da se vsi fensi dodatki prodajajo ločeno...huh ne vem no..


23. apr 2008
Še malo pa bo motor cenejši od Garminove navigacije;)

Dobri stari garmin 360 se dobi za manj kot sto evrov, lepo vklopiš slušalke in lepo dela....


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
Tudi dobri stari 760 ma bluetooth!

Cena pomojem tm tm


7. dec 2011
Prihaja Garmin Viago za Android. A to pomeni zaton samostojnih navigacijskih naprav?
sprasujem se.gif


7. dec 2011
Ja, že prebiram komentarje.Bo moj novi 2545LT še kar aktualen.


GPS presidente
25. feb 2010
Ne vem kako je pri ostalih, ampak za mene bo vedno telefon za klicanje, za resno navigiranje pa za to namenjena samostojna naprava.
Če bodo kdaj izdali street pilot za Android, bom tega uporabljal za kako gobarjenje ali pohod, v avtu bo pa še vedno nuvi


17. avg 2014
Hja se se stegnu v denarnico za tegale zumota 590, pa mi je sedaj žal da mi bolj ne mote biti. Sedaj bo že skoraj mesec dni kar je v Kranju na servisu.
Sestavil seznam težav ki sem ga dal tudi servisu:
- kadar skrenete iz načtovane rute se naprava velikokrat (prevečkrat) resetira
- MP3 predvaja samo iz naprave, iz sd kartice pa noče (čeprav kartico prepozna)
- vsaj nekajkrat v vožnji izgubi bluetooth povezavo, včasih se povezava sama vzpostavi nazaj, dostikrat pa je potrebno ponovno zagnati bt
- dostikrat javi da ne more izračunati poti, nato pa po parih ponovitvah pot le najde. In če skreneš iz poti se resetira ali pa spet javi napako.
- kvaliteta zvoka govora navigacije je katastrofa. Pri 130 na uro ne razumeš nič. Kvaliteta muzke je normalna
Opzazil sem da ima težavo z sprejemom satelitov. Prvič sem opazil pri spustu iz Jezerskega. Se je čisto zgubil in kazal da se vozim cca 30 bolj levo (po hosti). Do Kranja se ni postavil, tako da sem ga moral resetirat. Zadeva se je ponovila na izletu po Francoskih prezalih. Popolnoma ista zadeva. Razumel bi če bi se vozili po ozkih soteskah ampak mi smo bili na vrhu prelazov.
- včasih po nekaj prevoženih kilometrih javi da je zgubil povezavo z zadnjim senzorjem tlaka v gumi,
- rute iz BaseCampa se ne prenesejo pravilno. Zumo upošteva samo točke (ki jim pravi cilji) pot pa zračuna glede na trenutne nastavitve v Zumotu.
- program ”kje sem bil je nehal delati oz. ne kaže nič več. Od začetka je normalno kazal dnevno pot. Sedaj ne naže nič več. Serviser mi je rekel da je to normalno ker ima zumo premalo rama. 600eurov pa nima dovolj rama
- sledi kaže samo za zadnji nekaj dni, čeprav sledi so na Zumotu in jih lahko v BaseCampu tudi vidiš
- baterija zdrži kake dve uri brez napajanja
- ekran je dokaj slab in nekontrasten in pri močni sončni svetlobi zelo slabo viden. Če pa že pa je skoraj brezbarven
- namesto da bi dnevno pot zapisal v eno sled jih naredi malo morje, včasih dolge samo par metrov
- če izklopiš avtoceste zgleda da izklopi tudi magistralke. Morda bi moral izklopiti samo plačljive ceste
- nastavitev za ovinkaste ceste je neuporabna. Te pelje po vsaki ulici vasi.

Na zumota ja obešen S5 povezan pa je na N104 z Nolanov bt paketom.
Sem opazil da so izdali popravek na 2.8 popraljena kvaliteta govora navigacije. Bom sprobal če mi ga bojo vrnili na servisu. Baje da čakajo nadgradnjo.

Moram reči da sem ob nakupu Zumota pričakoval da Garmin obvlada sceno. Ampak tole je le malo preveč.
Na zadnjem izletu po Franciji smo imeli tri Zumote (550, 350LM in moj 590LM). Nobeden ni bil perfekten ampak najnovejši je bil najslabši.

In kaj je dobrega na njemu. Če pritisneš na gumb za vklop se prižge, to je pa tudi vse.
Verjetno sem še kaj pozabil našteti