What's New in the 5.3 update as
* The map content changes from a complete list here.
* Margaret Bridge closed due to traffic changes are incorporated in the map, so that the TMC-free devices are no plans at the bridge.
* The sávinformációk (lane info) has been in Nyíregyháza, Szeged and Székesfehérvár are also available. Complex, multi-band intersections approaching the GPS device's screen displays a simple diagram, which helps to correct classification. This feature is currently available in the nuvi 1350, 1370, 1390, 1490, 7x5, 8x5 and the Zumo 660 devices can be used.
Uporabnik NAVI_boy pravi:
Se že splača to naložit ali je bolje počakat na verzijo brez "beta" ?
* The map content changes from the full list here.
* Major new sections: M6-M60 Motorway new phase, a new M43 motorway, Hosszúhetény bypass, bypass Baja
* The Margaret Bridge closed due to traffic changes are incorporated in the map, so that the TMC-free devices are no plans over the bridge.
* The sávinformációk (lane info) expansion. This feature is currently in the Nuvi 465, 1350, 1370, 1390, 1490, 7x5, 8x5 and the Zumo 660 devices can be used.
celotni opis
Major new sections: a new M31 motorway section
What's New in the 5.6 update
Major modifications / upgrades: Margit bridge passable again, M43 road, and Csongrád Õcsény bypass, transferred Ganxsta Zolee bridge (Görcsöny)
What's New in the 6.0 update
* M43 Motorway between Szeged Mako-new 31.6-km section.
* On-site surveys, 9512 to repair, modification of the map.Featured Events in South-Buda bypass, Komárom bypass, bypass Szeleste
* Earlier in the following municipalities sávinformációs database and expanded the main routes (number of crossings). Békéscsaba (16), Hódmezõvásárhely (9), Salgótarján (10), 42-es út (16), 44-es út (39), 47-es út (39), 405-ös út (5), 51-es út (32) Békéscsaba (16), Pécs (9), Salgótarján (10), 42 highway (16), 44 highway (39), 47 highway (39), 405 Avenue (5), 51 Road (32)
* A new signpost information, the following cities and major roads are available (number plates). Békéscsaba (64), Eger (133), Hódmezõvásárhely (69), Salgótarján (69), 42-es út (58), 44-es út (148), 47-es út (158), 405-ös út (26), 51-es út (217) Békéscsaba (64), Eger (133), Pécs (69), Salgótarján (69), 42 highway (58), 44-es út (148), 47-es út (158), 405 Way (26 ), 51-es út (217)
* The total of 982 km road network has expanded
* The online error reporting ( ) under the recently announced 1546 was processed
* 56,822 pieces of POI in the database
Uporabnik Snecer pravi:
Po namestitvi v Mapsource se lahko uporabi program UnLockMapSource_v2.1.rar in je urejeno (ta program deluje tako na gmap kakor tudi pri navadnih kartah).