Uporabnik amacar pravi:
Skopiraš to v makro, pa poženeš, pa bi moralo spremenit
Sub makro()
Dim stevec As Integer
stevec = 4
While Cells(stevec, 2) <> ""
If Cells(stevec, 2) = 1 Then
Cells(stevec, 2) = "PO"
ElseIf Cells(stevec, 2) = 2 Then
Cells(stevec, 2) = "TO"
ElseIf Cells(stevec, 2) = 3 Then
Cells(stevec, 2) = "SR"
ElseIf Cells(stevec, 2) = 4 Then
Cells(stevec, 2) = "ČE"
ElseIf Cells(stevec, 2) = 5 Then
Cells(stevec, 2) = "PE"
ElseIf Cells(stevec, 2) = 6 Then
Cells(stevec, 2) = "SO"
ElseIf Cells(stevec, 2) = 7 Then
Cells(stevec, 2) = "NE"
End If
stevec = stevec + 1
End Sub
Tole zgleda precej razumljivo
A v oklepaju(stevec, 2) pa pomeni stolpec B?
Pa to na koncu ne razumem End if stevec = stevec + 1