View from Wales: town showered with EU cash votes to leave EU
“What’s the EU ever done for us?” Zak Kelly, 21, asks me this standing next to a brand new complex of buildings and facilities that wouldn’t look out of place in Canary Wharf. It’s not Canary Wharf, though, it’s Ebbw Vale, a former steel town of 18,000 people in the heart of the Welsh valleys, where 62% of the population – the highest proportion in Wales – voted Leave.
We’re standing on the site of the old steelworks, a toxic industrial wasteland left rotting when the plant, once the biggest in Europe, finally closed in 2002. It’s now “The Works” – a flagship £350m regeneration project funded by the EU redevelopment fund and home to the £33.5m Coleg Gwent, where some of the 29,000 Welsh apprenticeships the European Social Fund pays for help young people learn a trade. Add in a new £30m railway line and £80m improvement to the Heads of the Valley road from other pots of EU money, and the town centre has just received £12.2m for various upgrades and improvements.
Ebbw Vale, left devastated when the steelworks closed, has had more European money poured into it than perhaps any other small town in Britain. But according to the figures Kelly heard, “we get out £7m a year from the EU and we put in £19m”. Anyway, he says, “it was time for a change”.
Are there any immigrants in Ebbw Vale? “No! Hardly any. And the ones there are are all working, all contributing. It’s just … illogical. I just don’t think people looked at the facts at all.”
It’s a town with almost no immigrants that voted to get the immigrants out. A town that has been showered with EU cash that no longer wants to be part of the EU.
Wales isn’t just a net EU beneficiary, EU capital funding has been an essential part of attracting firms to come here. All around town are signs marked with the EU flag for the Ebbw Vale enterprise zone. The website notes that as an EU tier 1 area, “companies can benefit from the highest level of grant aid in the UK”. Earlier this year the sports car company TVR announced it would build a factory and create 150 jobs there. Will it still come? Will the Circuit of Wales, a multimillion-pound motor racing circuit a private company has been proposing to build on the town’s outskirts creating 6,000 jobs? Will the £1.8bn of EU cash promised to Wales for projects until 2020 still arrive? And what happens after? Will central government really give more money to Ebbw Vale than the EU has?
Even Kelly looks like he could be doubtful on this point. “David Cameron got a good kicking,” he says. So, what about Boris Johnson? Do you want him? “No way. He’s London through and through. He’ll just forget about Wales.”
Or as Michael Sheen, the Welsh-born actor from Port Talbot, tweeted: “Wales votes to trust a new and more rightwing Tory leadership to invest as much money into its poorer areas as EU has been doing.”
Otročji se je nanašalo le na ne fer grožnje z referendumom o izstopu med pogajanji.Citat:
Uporabnik cnpod pravi:
Uporabnik telex pravi:
A nisi malce otročji? V pogajanjih se pač uporabljajo različni argumenti in grožnja z referendumom ali odhodom je povsem legitimna (poglej Hrvaško in arbitraža).Citat:
Uporabnik cnpod pravi:
V primeru ponovljenega referenduma in, če se članstvo v EU potrdi z veliko večino, bi bilo prav, da se izpogajane ugodnosti napram EU razveljavijo in se pogajanja začnejo znova. Jasno bi namreč bilo, da je bilo vse okrog referenduma in izstopa zgolj slepilni manever za EU pogajalce in zato pogajanja niso mogla biti fer.
Je pa GB dejansko že izstopila iz EU. Če bodo izvedli ponovni referendum in bodo izglasovali vstop bi se pač morala začeti pogajanja o vstopu (pridružitveni sporazum, harmonizacija zakonodaje...) kot to velja za vsako na novo sprejeto državo.
Otročji gor ali dol. Procedura pa je (po mojem vedenju) takšna, da mora država, ki želi zapustiti EU to svojo namero uradno predložiti EU-ju. Rezultat referenduma zagotovo ni uradno zaprosilo za izstop. Tako, da postopek izstopa sploh še ni sprožen in posledično ne morejo že izstopiti, kot praviš ti.
Bahahaha, hypocrisy much? I wouldn't expect any less from a biased, xenophobic twonk such as yourself, but it's absolutely hilarious to see karma in full force! One rule for one and another rule for the others? Of course, that's exactly how people such as yourself think!
Well done sir, you shall go far in English politics as you have already mastered the skill of saying one thing, meaning another and then trying to ditch the entire mess as soon as it no longer works in your favour!
looks like you might become unemployable
Britain is engulfed in a "very significant political crisis", EU leaders believe, meaning David Cameron is unable to begin exit talks from the European Union net week.
Mr Cameron will not be expected to activate Article 50 when he comes face to face with his counterparts on Tuesday, as leaders realise the country has no effective government and is likely to break up.
It makes exit talks impossible at the moment.
Britain will not get a new trade deal immediately - it has to exit first, and then apply for them as a "third country".
“We as the EU 27 expect a notification as soon as possible but everyone understands that right now there is quite a significant crisis in the UK.
"There will not be negotiations on the future status of the UK until the notification under Article 50 is sent to Brussels," the source said. Britain will not get any settlement in one go. It has to leave, and then get a new one.
"It doesn't have to be about one treaty. It could be a number of agreements for the future relationship. One thing that is clear from a legal perspective.
The UK will become a third country. You can conclude such arrangements only once the UK leaves the EU. We can do it only after the divorce procedure."
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Merklova je dejala, da ni potrebe po grdi igri, ampak tole je precej grdo.
Britain is engulfed in a "very significant political crisis", EU leaders believe, meaning David Cameron is unable to begin exit talks from the European Union net week.
Mr Cameron will not be expected to activate Article 50 when he comes face to face with his counterparts on Tuesday, as leaders realise the country has no effective government and is likely to break up.
It makes exit talks impossible at the moment.
Britain will not get a new trade deal immediately - it has to exit first, and then apply for them as a "third country".
“We as the EU 27 expect a notification as soon as possible but everyone understands that right now there is quite a significant crisis in the UK.
"There will not be negotiations on the future status of the UK until the notification under Article 50 is sent to Brussels," the source said. Britain will not get any settlement in one go. It has to leave, and then get a new one.
"It doesn't have to be about one treaty. It could be a number of agreements for the future relationship. One thing that is clear from a legal perspective.
The UK will become a third country. You can conclude such arrangements only once the UK leaves the EU. We can do it only after the divorce procedure."
Okej, razumemo, da vam razpada država, fak u.
Največ izgublja EU. Samo EU politiki ne bodo priznali, da so s svojo nespametno politiko pregnali VB iz EU.Citat:
Uporabnik Steve pravi:
Mislim da se glavna hujskaca johnson in oni drugi sploh nista zavedala posledic in polozaja, v katerem so se znasli. Dejansko sta res pricakovala takojsen raj na otoku takoj po referendumu. Zdaj pa se zna zgodit da bosta ona 2 odgovorna za gospodarsko skodo in razpad VB
No ja, roko na srce, kot kažejo trendi smo na poti k propadu. Vprašanje pa je, če ne bi bili že na koncu poti, če nas sprejem v EU na tej poti ne bi malce upošasnilCitat:
Uporabnik membrain pravi:
Je pa situacija zelo podobna nekdanji jugoslovanski po slovenskem referendumu. Tudi tedaj so se srbi tolažili s tem, kako bo Slovenija sama propadla itd...
Boljše vprašanje bi bilo, kako bi nam šlo, če bi ostali v Jugi. Ampak je preveč če-jev, da bi kdo znal odgovorit.Citat:
Uporabnik telex pravi:
No ja, roko na srce, kot kažejo trendi smo na poti k propadu. Vprašanje pa je, če ne bi bili že na koncu poti, če nas sprejem v EU na tej poti ne bi malce upošasnilCitat:
Uporabnik membrain pravi:
Je pa situacija zelo podobna nekdanji jugoslovanski po slovenskem referendumu. Tudi tedaj so se srbi tolažili s tem, kako bo Slovenija sama propadla itd...![]()
Uporabnik SouthPark pravi:
Ljudje pa prepričani, da jim bo šlo bolje brez EU (kot je cel kup ljudi prepričanih, da bi nam šlo bolje v Jugi, pa čeprav je to navaden bullshit) ker so pač nezadovoljni sami s seboj, v resnici pa niso niti pomislili kaj bo izstop pomenil.
Ah daj no, to nabijanje od medu in mleku v Jugi je pa že več kot otročje. Smo bili v Jugi pa sme vsi skupaj krepali. Smo se razdružili, pa sedaj vsak sam posebej krepa... Če bi Juga (in socialistični blok) še lahko obstajala si lahko 1000% prepričan, da bi še vedno obstajala. Pa če bi komunisteki morali udarniško kopati Barbara rove, da bi vanje metali oporečnike.Citat:
Uporabnik membrain pravi:
Boljše vprašanje bi bilo, kako bi nam šlo, če bi ostali v Jugi. Ampak je preveč če-jev, da bi kdo znal odgovorit.
Uporabnik Steve pravi:
Mislim da se glavna hujskaca johnson in oni drugi sploh nista zavedala posledic in polozaja, v katerem so se znasli. Dejansko sta res pricakovala takojsen raj na otoku takoj po referendumu. Zdaj pa se zna zgodit da bosta ona 2 odgovorna za gospodarsko skodo in razpad VB