Evo rezervirano za Januar....
še moja za 15€
oz. 10%
The Advocate can only earn the Advocate’s Referral Bonus a total of 10 times. Each Referee can only use a Referral Link one time to create an Eligible Reservation, regardless of whether the Referee received or had access to separate Referral Links from different Advocates or not. Per credit card, or per unique Wallet, a maximum of 11 Referral Bonuses can be earned (one as Referee, 10 as Advocate).Torej najbrz si ze nek tak popust enkrat koristil?
Ne štekam kaj hočejo s tem povedat. Jaz sem do sedaj dobil samo svojih 10% ob rezervaciji nazaj na kartico.The Advocate can only earn the Advocate’s Referral Bonus a total of 10 times. Each Referee can only use a Referral Link one time to create an Eligible Reservation, regardless of whether the Referee received or had access to separate Referral Links from different Advocates or not. Per credit card, or per unique Wallet, a maximum of 11 Referral Bonuses can be earned (one as Referee, 10 as Advocate).
Ne štekam kaj hočejo s tem povedat. Jaz sem do sedaj dobil samo svojih 10% ob rezervaciji nazaj na kartico.
Evo rezervirano za Januar....
še moja za 15€
oz. 10%