Sam sem tri take napake v ceni ulovil... ena od treh so mi poslali , druge dve pa stornirali in podarili 500 BG točk...Jaz enega. Me res zanima ali bodo stornirali narocilo…
Sam sem tri take napake v ceni ulovil... ena od treh so mi poslali , druge dve pa stornirali in podarili 500 BG točk...Jaz enega. Me res zanima ali bodo stornirali narocilo…
Nić ne boSam sem tri take napake v ceni ulovil... ena od treh so mi poslali , druge dve pa stornirali in podarili 500 BG točk...
jst isto dobil. Sicer cena še vedno solidna, ampak ni pa več vrhunskaNić ne bo
Dear Banggood customer,
We are sorry to tell you that the price of the item 1675135 Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Global EU NFC Version in your order is wrong because of an error occurred in the program.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue and we have sent 600 points as goodwill.
Here are some suggestions for your order:
--Keep the item: Need to paying the fee of US$67/piece to our PayPal account ( which is more cheaper than the regular price. (20% off the original price)
Please send us the transaction number once you paid for it to our PayPal). And we will ship out for you as soon as possible once we confirmed the payment.
--Cancel : we could cancel this order and refund you.
We are really sorry for this inconvenience. Your understanding and cooperation would be greatly appreciated.
Please note the order will be refunded by default if the order is not re-paid within 7 days.
Best regards,
Banggood Team
115 €jst isto dobil. Sicer cena še vedno solidna, ampak ni pa več vrhunska
žal ni kaj pametnega.. ni zalogZdravo
Mogoče kaj za soocas x3