Avtoradio bi spremenil v radio :D


18. avg 2007
To kar si ti napisal velja za original ATX standard. Sedaj smo že pri ATX 2.3

Although the ATX power supply specifications are mostly vertically compatible in both ways (both electrically and physically), there are potential issues with mixing old motherboards/systems with new PSUs, and vice versa. The main issues to consider are the following:

* The power distribution biases across 3.3 V, 5 V, and 12 V rails are very different between older and newer ATX PSU designs, as well as between older and newer PC system designs.
* Older PSUs may not have connectors which are required for newer PC systems to properly operate.
* Newer systems generally require larger power supplies than older systems.

This is a practical guidance what to mix and what not to mix:

* Older systems (until Pentium 4 and Athlon XP platforms) were designed to draw most power from 5 V and 3.3 V rails.
* Because of the DC-DC converters on the motherboard that convert 12 V to the low voltages required by the Intel Pentium 4 and AMD Athlon XP (and subsequent) processors, such systems draw most of their power from the 12 V rail.
* Original ATX PSUs have power distribution designed for pre-P4/XP PCs. They lack the supplemental 4-pin 12-volt CPU power connector, so they most likely cannot be used with P4/XP or newer motherboards. Adapters do exist but power drain on the 12 V rail must be checked very carefully. There is a chance it can work without connecting the 4-pin 12 V connector, but caution is advised.[15]
* ATX12V 1.x PSUs have power distribution designed for P4/XP PCs, but they are also greatly suitable for older PCs, since they give plenty of power (relative to old PCs' needs) both on 12 V and on 5 V/3.3 V. It is not recommended to use ATX12V 1.x PSUs on ATX12V 2.x motherboards because those systems require much more power on 12 V, and much less on 3.3 V/5 V than ATX12V 1.x PSUs provide.
* ATX12V 2.x PSUs have power distribution designed for late P4/XP PCs and for Athlon 64 and Core Duo PCs. They can be used with earlier P4/XP PCs, but the power distribution will be significantly suboptimal, so a more powerful ATX12V 2.0 PSU should be used to compensate for that discrepancy. ATX12V 2.x PSUs can also be used with pre-P4/XP systems, but the power distribution will be greatly suboptimal (12 V rails will be mostly unused, while the 3.3 V/5 V rails will be overloaded), so this is not recommended.
* Systems that use an ISA bus require ATX/ATX12V 1.2 or earlier because the ISA bus requires a −5 V power rail unless the board provides a DC to DC converter that supplies −5 V. ATX/ATX12V 1.3 and later prohibit the −5 V rail so power supplies built to these versions are usually unsuitable for ISA systems.


18. avg 2007
Uporabnik mihagr pravi:
Radirko, mislim da nimaš čisto prav!

IBM PC ... to je bilo tisto pred tridesetimi leti, kajne ?
Bo kar tako, kot sem napisal (kar je bil odgovor na trditev, da je najbolj obremenjena 5V linija itd. v sporocilu, na katero sem repliciral).