Adijo Švedska?


22. jul 2007
Sem par dni nazaj gledu eno oddajo o prostozidarjih...
En puščavski kult je potolku tolk folka, da lohk drug puščavski kult še en cajt strela po evropi, pa jih ne bo ujel kar tko.
Men so sicer vsi isti, v resnic eni in drugi in tretji (kao "abrahamove" religije) tapravi častilci in podporniki satana, oblačjo se u kikle, pa se grejo pedofilijo in zoofilijo. fuj
Torej nam je danes v razvitem svetu kar prav, ker so eni lahko, lahko tudi drugi, ne? To se je tazbralo iz očitka. No mogoče boš pa ravno ti (če karma ne bo na dopustu) imel kdaj težave in se boš spomnil na tvoja razmišljanja... to ste iste sorte judje kot oni, ki zahtevajo dnar ker so črni in so njihovi pra pa pra dedje billi sužnji. WTF imata danes biden ali trump s tem?


11. apr 2022
a to si chat gpt vprašu, da ti je naredu analizo?
Pa dejmo tko: naj prvi vrže kamen...


22. jul 2007
Ja kar zacnite levicari metat kamne en v drugega, ce imate zeljo. Jaz je nimam ker nisem kriv, kaj so delali pred 500 (ali x) leti.

Ce imas pa ti privzgojen obcutek krivde, pa je to bolj za vprasat starse ali okolje, zakaj se ti danes pocutis krivega za stvari, s katerimi nimas in nisi imel nic.

Aja pa Grok jaz sprasujem, ce ze mors vedet!


11. apr 2022
Aja Grok ti je reku da sm levičar. AI kot AI, zabit k krščen duš.
Krivdo za vse pizdarije ne nosmo navadni smrtniki, za večino pizdarij jo puščavski monoteizem(mi).
Vpraš Grok, kwa je to zaena reč (hint: ni za na kruh namazat)


6. sep 2007

Sweden mourns victims of deadliest gun attack, suspect's motive unknown​

OREBRO, Sweden, Feb 5 (Reuters) - Survivors of Sweden's worst mass shooting on Wednesday recalled trying to save the lives of their comrades at a school for adults in Orebro, a day after a gunman killed 11 people on what the prime minister called a "dark day" in the country's history.
Police said there was no evidence the suspect, named by Swedish media as Rickard Andersson, a 35-year-old unemployed recluse, had "ideological motives".
Swedish police found three rifles near the body of the gunman, who they believe took his own life. "The police who arrived at the scene have spoken about what could be described as an inferno ... dead people and injured people, screams and smoke," Orebro police chief Lars Wiren said. Police found 10 empty bullet magazines and a "large amount" of unused ammunition. Wiren said police arrived on the scene five minutes after the alarm was raised and believed the attacker then began directing his fire towards them.



6. sep 2007

Police have not formally named the attacker but he has been identified as Rickard Andersson, 35, by Sweden's public broadcaster SVT.

What were the suspect's motives?

The suspect was unknown to police and they believe he acted alone. Officers said he had no links to gangs and is thought to have acted "without any ideological motive". They also do not believe the attack was motivated by terrorism. "It's a changing situation. The information we gave earlier is still valid, but may change later," said local police chief Roberto Eid Forest. When officers attended the scene they were "shot at", he added, but none were injured. Police then found the suspect dead - and Mr Forest said it appeared he had killed himself.

What else do we know about the suspect?

In an interview with the Aftonbladet tabloid, a relative of the suspect said he had not had much contact with family in recent years and was unemployed. "As a child he was different but lively," the relative said. "He did well at school. But recent years were tough for him." Another relative said the suspect, who reportedly changed his surname eight years ago, was a "recluse" and may have had mental health problems. They said: "Before, he had a friend he spent a lot of time with, but not now. He wants to be on his own. He doesn't seem to like people much." Hours after the attack, heavily armed officers raided a flat in Orebro believed to be registered to the man, using drones and a ladder truck, according to Swedish Radio. The broadcaster found he had no convictions to his name and had declared no income over the past few years.


6. sep 2007

Luai Ahmed is a journalist, columnist, and social commentator with roots in both Yemen and Sweden. He is known for his outspoken stance on issues related to extremism and his advocacy for freedom, peace, and security. Raised in the capital city of Sana'a, Luai was deeply influenced by his mother, Amal Basha, a respected peace and women's rights activist. Amal Basha is widely recognized for her work and has received several accolades, including an honorary doctorate from the University of Toronto. Due to his family's commitment to advocating for human rights and equality, they faced severe threats in Yemen. In 2013, an extremist group targeted the Ahmed family, issuing a public threat against them. This forced Luai to flee his homeland, seeking safety and a new beginning in Sweden. By 2014, he had been granted asylum.

Luai's experience as a refugee, combined with his work as a journalist, has provided him with unique perspectives on Sweden's immigration policies and their impact on society. In his conversation with Visegrad24, he shared his concerns about the rise in criminal activity and the need for responsible and effective policies to ensure the safety and well-being of all residents. Luai Ahmed continues to use his platform to shed light on important social issues, encouraging dialogue and understanding while advocating for positive change.


Samo Svoj

27. jan 2022
Kaj to človek jemlje, da ima tak obraz? Včasih ni imel takega.

2304w copy.jpg


16. mar 2008
ja, kak zdaj onim dopovedat, ko so umrli, da je bila korona joke, in da se naj vstanejo in grejo domov.