"Human diet
A number of individuals are experimenting with different varieties of intermittent fasting as a dietary regimen. In this context, shorthand such as "20/4" is used to denote a repeating pattern of 20 hours of fasting followed by 4 hours of non-fasting. For example, "Fast-5" is a book promoting a regimen equivalent to "19/5". Other alternatives include "16/8" and "15/9".
The phase of the fasting period may also be specified. Practitioners often start the fasting period at the commencement of nightly sleep.
In common usage, intermittent fasting describes any diet that includes a period of fasting and a period of non-fasting, even if the diet involves consuming a limited amount of calorie-containing beverages such as coffee or tea during the fasting period.[15] This contrasts with scientific usage of the term, in which no calories are consumed during the fasting period.
Another variation on intermittent fasting is to consume limited calories (e.g., 20% of normal) rather than none at all on fasting days. This regimen may provide many of the benefits of intermittent fasting.[16]
Another possibility is a full-day fast. This is done by waking and not eating food until a few hours before bed. It is recommended to eat a small meal or snack at this time, consisting of vegetables, meat or eggs, and nuts or oil. Eating a single meal per day without caloric restriction worsens some cardiovascular disease risk factors.[17]
One specific plan involving this full-day fasting, popularized by the BBC2 Horizon documentary Eat, Fast & Live Longer in August 2012, is the 5:2 diet, with two fast days per week."
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Tole je napisal nekdo, ki mu zjutraj ne paše zajtrk in začne jesti šele s kosilom. Tole NI pravi post!
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(bi pa rad videl človeka, ki en cel dan ne je, drugega pa je "normalno", potem spet en dan ne je mučenje. vem iz izkušnje)
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