Zvezda zraven Lune ?


Osebje foruma
17. avg 2007
Mislim da je boljše uporabiti kak slovenski planetarij



13. avg 2007
Vzhodna Gorenjska
Tale Venera pa res tako šiba po nebu, da me je malo zmedla. Sicer jo ponavadi prepoznam, takole blizu Lune pa sem mislil, da je kaj drugega.


Osebje foruma
17. avg 2007
Kolko gledam en program na telefonu se premika praktično z isto hitrostjo kot luna in ostale bližnje zvezde (vsaj zgleda tako)


1. sep 2007
Far Far Away
P.S.: Mimogrede še ena informacija za vse malce bolj ezoterične entuziaste.
Venera se bo začela gibati retrogradno 6. marca 2009 v ozvezdju Ovna. Takšno gibanje za Venero v povprečju traja 42 dni.

Aja, in Luna bo v konjunkciji z Venero natanko čez - 5 minut.
Nazadnje urejeno:


Osebje foruma
17. avg 2007
V čem je fora konjunkcije ?
SSKJ piše nekaj o isti strani neba s soncem, a sonca nekako zdaj ni na nebu


1. sep 2007
Far Far Away
Oj, dobro jutro!

Bom odgovoril iz glave. Konjunkcija v zgornjem primeru pomeni to, da je bil kot med Venero in Luno, gledano s točke na Zemlji, v nekem trenutku najmanjši možen. Kar je, kot piše tudi Wikipedia[/COLOR], natanko to. Torej, popolna konjunkcija (0 ločnih stopinj) dejansko pomeni mrk objekta, ki se nahaja v ozadju.

Še ena zanimiva povezava in tabelca na to temo:


Seznam planetarnih fenomenov v tekoči dekadi:

perihelion mercury

2001 oct 23 13.03 2452206.043 .3074989 2001.811153
2002 jan 19 12.31 2452294.013 .3074941 2002.052007
2002 apr 17 11.56 2452381.982 .3074934 2002.292858
2002 jul 14 10.82 2452469.951 .3074950 2002.533709
2002 oct 10 10.08 2452557.920 .3075005 2002.774560
2003 jan 6 9.35 2452645.890 .3075007 2003.015413
2003 apr 4 8.60 2452733.859 .3074974 2003.256265
2003 jul 1 7.86 2452821.827 .3074960 2003.497115
2003 sep 27 7.11 2452909.796 .3074987 2003.737966
2003 dec 24 6.38 2452997.766 .3075033 2003.978819
2004 mar 21 5.65 2453085.735 .3075033 2004.219672
2004 jun 17 4.90 2453173.704 .3074996 2004.460522
2004 sep 13 4.15 2453261.673 .3075002 2004.701372
2004 dec 10 3.41 2453349.642 .3075008 2004.942224
2005 mar 8 2.70 2453437.613 .3075031 2005.183080
2005 jun 4 1.97 2453525.582 .3075002 2005.423932
2005 aug 31 1.22 2453613.551 .3074998 2005.664783
2005 nov 27 .48 2453701.520 .3074997 2005.905633
2006 feb 22 23.75 2453789.489 .3075006 2006.146486
2006 may 21 23.04 2453877.460 .3074964 2006.387342
2006 aug 17 22.31 2453965.430 .3074953 2006.628194
2006 nov 13 21.56 2454053.398 .3074947 2006.869045
2007 feb 9 20.82 2454141.368 .3074974 2007.109897
2007 may 8 20.09 2454229.337 .3074973 2007.350749
2007 aug 4 19.38 2454317.307 .3074927 2007.591604
2007 oct 31 18.63 2454405.276 .3074912 2007.832455
2008 jan 27 17.89 2454493.245 .3074928 2008.073306
2008 apr 24 17.15 2454581.215 .3074977 2008.314158
2008 jul 21 16.43 2454669.185 .3074983 2008.555012
2008 oct 17 15.69 2454757.154 .3074947 2008.795863
2009 jan 13 14.94 2454845.123 .3074944 2009.036714
2009 apr 11 14.19 2454933.091 .3074971 2009.277564
2009 jul 8 13.47 2455021.061 .3075022 2009.518418
2009 oct 4 12.74 2455109.031 .3075027 2009.759271
2009 dec 31 11.99 2455197.000 .3075002 2010.000122
2010 mar 29 11.24 2455284.968 .3075007 2010.240971
2010 jun 25 10.50 2455372.937 .3075012 2010.481823
2010 sep 21 9.79 2455460.908 .3075045 2010.722678
2010 dec 18 9.06 2455548.877 .3075024 2010.963531
2011 mar 16 8.31 2455636.846 .3075013 2011.204381
2011 jun 12 7.56 2455724.815 .3075003 2011.445232

aphelion mercury

2001 dec 6 12.67 2452250.028 .4667013 2001.931581
2002 mar 4 11.93 2452337.997 .4667013 2002.172432
2002 may 31 11.18 2452425.966 .4667009 2002.413283
2002 aug 27 10.44 2452513.935 .4666995 2002.654134
2002 nov 23 9.71 2452601.905 .4666973 2002.894987
2003 feb 19 8.98 2452689.874 .4666980 2003.135839
2003 may 18 8.23 2452777.843 .4666986 2003.376690
2003 aug 14 7.48 2452865.812 .4666982 2003.617540
2003 nov 10 6.74 2452953.781 .4666971 2003.858391
2004 feb 6 6.01 2453041.751 .4666949 2004.099245
2004 may 4 5.28 2453129.720 .4666959 2004.340097
2004 jul 31 4.53 2453217.689 .4666964 2004.580947
2004 oct 27 3.78 2453305.657 .4666964 2004.821798
2005 jan 23 3.05 2453393.627 .4666971 2005.062651
2005 apr 21 2.34 2453481.598 .4666965 2005.303506
2005 jul 18 1.60 2453569.566 .4666972 2005.544357
2005 oct 14 .85 2453657.536 .4666974 2005.785208
2006 jan 10 .11 2453745.505 .4666979 2006.026060
2006 apr 7 23.40 2453833.475 .4667005 2006.266915
2006 jul 4 22.68 2453921.445 .4667009 2006.507768
2006 sep 30 21.94 2454009.414 .4667009 2006.748620
2006 dec 27 21.19 2454097.383 .4667010 2006.989471
2007 mar 25 20.46 2454185.352 .4667006 2007.230323
2007 jun 21 19.74 2454273.323 .4667029 2007.471178
2007 sep 17 19.01 2454361.292 .4667031 2007.712030
2007 dec 14 18.26 2454449.261 .4667030 2007.952880
2008 mar 11 17.51 2454537.230 .4667017 2008.193731
2008 jun 7 16.79 2454625.200 .4666999 2008.434585
2008 sep 3 16.06 2454713.169 .4667006 2008.675438
2008 nov 30 15.31 2454801.138 .4667005 2008.916288
2009 feb 26 14.56 2454889.107 .4666996 2009.157139
2009 may 25 13.82 2454977.076 .4666986 2009.397991
2009 aug 21 13.10 2455065.046 .4666958 2009.638844
2009 nov 17 12.37 2455153.015 .4666959 2009.879696
2010 feb 13 11.61 2455240.984 .4666958 2010.120546
2010 may 12 10.87 2455328.953 .4666961 2010.361397
2010 aug 8 10.14 2455416.922 .4666964 2010.602250
2010 nov 4 9.42 2455504.893 .4666949 2010.843105
2011 jan 31 8.68 2455592.862 .4666955 2011.083956
2011 apr 29 7.94 2455680.831 .4666965 2011.324807
2011 jul 26 7.19 2455768.800 .4666971 2011.565658

perihelion venus

2001 oct 5 1.61 2452187.567 .7184114 2001.760568
2002 may 17 18.95 2452412.290 .7184100 2002.375838
2002 dec 28 12.72 2452637.030 .7184502 2002.991156
2003 aug 10 5.45 2452861.727 .7184586 2003.606357
2004 mar 21 21.76 2453086.407 .7184494 2004.221509
2004 nov 1 18.44 2453311.268 .7184200 2004.837160
2005 jun 14 11.69 2453535.987 .7184247 2005.452420
2006 jan 24 22.61 2453760.442 .7184440 2006.066957
2006 sep 6 12.11 2453985.004 .7184399 2006.681788
2007 apr 19 5.40 2454209.725 .7184297 2007.297053
2007 nov 30 4.86 2454434.703 .7184359 2007.913022
2008 jul 11 22.02 2454659.418 .7184416 2008.528271
2009 feb 21 14.30 2454884.096 .7184358 2009.143419
2009 oct 4 4.67 2455108.694 .7184041 2009.758350
2010 may 16 22.72 2455333.447 .7184048 2010.373701
2010 dec 27 16.67 2455558.195 .7184490 2010.989041
2011 aug 9 8.93 2455782.872 .7184610 2011.604187

aphelion venus

2002 jan 25 11.51 2452299.979 .7282512 2002.068343
2002 sep 7 4.11 2452524.671 .7282419 2002.683529
2003 apr 19 21.18 2452749.383 .7281980 2003.298768
2003 nov 30 12.34 2452974.014 .7282000 2003.913788
2004 jul 12 8.27 2453198.845 .7282323 2004.529354
2005 feb 22 2.05 2453423.585 .7282395 2005.144674
2005 oct 4 18.93 2453648.289 .7282334 2005.759891
2006 may 17 4.42 2453872.684 .7282218 2006.374266
2006 dec 27 21.38 2454097.391 .7282298 2006.989493
2007 aug 9 17.63 2454322.235 .7282329 2007.605094
2008 mar 21 15.19 2454547.133 .7282181 2008.220845
2008 nov 1 7.06 2454771.794 .7282138 2008.835948
2009 jun 13 19.90 2454996.329 .7282476 2009.450704
2010 jan 24 12.36 2455221.015 .7282570 2010.065873
2010 sep 6 5.60 2455445.733 .7282492 2010.681132
2011 apr 18 23.74 2455670.489 .7282052 2011.296493

perihelion earth

2002 jan 2 14.16 2452277.090 .9832898 2002.005673
2003 jan 4 5.08 2452643.712 .9833204 2003.009450
2004 jan 4 17.70 2453009.237 .9832648 2004.010227
2005 jan 2 .64 2453372.527 .9832968 2005.004880
2006 jan 4 15.49 2453740.146 .9833270 2006.011387
2007 jan 3 19.71 2454104.321 .9832602 2007.008468
2008 jan 2 23.83 2454468.493 .9832801 2008.005536
2009 jan 4 15.49 2454836.146 .9832730 2009.012136
2010 jan 3 .21 2455199.509 .9832897 2010.006991
2011 jan 3 18.53 2455565.272 .9833413 2011.008418

aphelion earth

2002 jul 6 3.78 2452461.657 1.0166882 2002.511003
2003 jul 4 5.66 2452824.736 1.0167282 2003.505078
2004 jul 5 10.91 2453191.954 1.0166937 2004.510490
2005 jul 5 4.96 2453556.707 1.0167416 2005.509148
2006 jul 3 23.21 2453920.467 1.0166973 2006.505092
2007 jul 6 23.89 2454288.495 1.0167059 2007.512719
2008 jul 4 7.69 2454651.820 1.0167535 2008.507470
2009 jul 4 1.65 2455016.569 1.0166664 2009.506118
2010 jul 6 11.52 2455383.980 1.0167020 2010.512057
2011 jul 4 14.93 2455747.122 1.0167404 2011.506306

perihelion mars

2001 oct 12 7.44 2452194.810 1.3814131 2001.780399
2003 aug 30 11.08 2452881.961 1.3811472 2003.661757
2005 jul 17 15.68 2453569.153 1.3812966 2005.543226
2007 jun 4 12.64 2454256.027 1.3814796 2007.423822
2009 apr 21 9.79 2454942.908 1.3813349 2009.304441
2011 mar 9 14.11 2455630.088 1.3813781 2011.185878

aphelion mars

2002 sep 21 .57 2452538.524 1.6661323 2002.721455
2004 aug 7 23.52 2453225.480 1.6661369 2004.602280
2006 jun 26 1.15 2453912.548 1.6660290 2006.483409
2008 may 13 1.91 2454599.580 1.6659448 2008.364440
2010 mar 30 23.14 2455286.464 1.6659375 2010.245068

perihelion jupiter

2011 mar 17 17.02 2455638.209 4.9483868 2011.208113

aphelion jupiter

2005 apr 14 21.75 2453475.406 5.4565220 2005.286555

perihelion saturn

2003 jul 26 16.59 2452847.191 9.0308985 2003.566559

aphelion did not occur for saturn

perihelion did not occur for uranus

aphelion uranus

2009 feb 26 23.55 2454889.481 20.0988561 2009.158164

perihelion did not occur for neptune

aphelion did not occur for neptune

perihelion did not occur for pluto

aphelion did not occur for pluto

perihelion ceres

2004 jul 10 12.87 2453197.036 2.5460971 2004.524403
2009 feb 10 1.76 2454872.573 2.5469172 2009.111872

aphelion ceres

2002 mar 23 15.25 2452357.135 2.9852806 2002.224830
2006 oct 25 2.84 2454033.618 2.9865384 2006.814889
2011 may 29 2.92 2455710.622 2.9838657 2011.406372

perihelion pallas

2004 sep 17 11.39 2453265.974 2.1347736 2004.713150
2009 apr 28 23.72 2454950.488 2.1325343 2009.325196

aphelion pallas

2002 may 27 12.54 2452422.023 3.4112128 2002.402486
2007 jan 7 17.85 2454108.244 3.4112359 2007.019206
2011 aug 19 1.40 2455792.558 3.4119556 2011.630707

perihelion vesta

2003 oct 30 9.27 2452942.886 2.1521067 2003.828563
2007 jun 16 14.58 2454268.107 2.1509139 2007.456899
2011 jan 31 7.67 2455592.820 2.1526102 2011.083841

aphelion vesta

2002 jan 2 23.96 2452277.498 2.5727554 2002.006792
2005 aug 23 12.31 2453606.013 2.5716679 2005.644144
2009 apr 8 9.08 2454929.878 2.5715425 2009.268767

perihelion juno

2005 oct 21 3.75 2453664.656 1.9788628 2005.804704
2010 mar 2 21.04 2455258.377 1.9892302 2010.168167

aphelion juno

2003 aug 17 17.99 2452869.250 3.3571129 2003.626953
2007 dec 25 23.60 2454460.483 3.3562308 2007.983607

closest mercury

2001 oct 12 9.90 2452194.913 .6615170 2001.780679 10.0980
2002 jan 29 8.35 2452303.848 .6574394 2002.078934 10.1606
2002 may 27 23.94 2452422.497 .5491886 2002.403786 12.1634
2002 sep 25 14.29 2452543.096 .6489315 2002.733973 10.2938
2003 jan 12 19.38 2452652.308 .6681532 2003.032985 9.9977
2003 may 9 14.00 2452769.083 .5559745 2003.352707 12.0149
2003 sep 8 9.26 2452890.886 .6329029 2003.686191 10.5545
2003 dec 27 11.92 2453000.997 .6749786 2003.987665 9.8966
2004 apr 20 6.10 2453115.754 .5709106 2004.301861 11.7006
2004 aug 20 17.65 2453238.236 .6139356 2004.637203 10.8806
2004 dec 10 7.69 2453349.820 .6781016 2004.942712 9.8510
2005 apr 2 2.51 2453462.604 .5908478 2005.251505 11.3058
2005 aug 2 16.05 2453585.169 .5933560 2005.587075 11.2580
2005 nov 24 4.37 2453698.682 .6777461 2005.897864 9.8562
2006 mar 15 6.07 2453809.753 .6122767 2006.201966 10.9101
2006 jul 15 7.53 2453931.814 .5735633 2006.536157 11.6465
2006 nov 7 23.60 2454047.483 .6740850 2006.852850 9.9097
2007 feb 25 18.60 2454157.275 .6324260 2007.153449 10.5625
2007 jun 26 19.85 2454278.327 .5579242 2007.484879 11.9730
2007 oct 22 14.98 2454396.124 .6670750 2007.807397 10.0139
2008 feb 8 16.57 2454505.190 .6494477 2008.106010 10.2857
2008 jun 7 7.56 2454624.815 .5497742 2008.433532 12.1504
2008 oct 4 23.99 2454744.500 .6566178 2008.761217 10.1733
2009 jan 21 23.19 2454853.466 .6625121 2009.059558 10.0828
2009 may 19 20.16 2454971.340 .5509854 2009.382286 12.1237
2009 sep 18 .45 2455092.519 .6425687 2009.714062 10.3958
2010 jan 5 12.80 2455202.033 .6715415 2010.013903 9.9473
2010 may 1 10.89 2455317.954 .5614245 2010.331283 11.8983
2010 aug 31 14.81 2455440.117 .6251353 2010.665755 10.6857
2010 dec 20 7.14 2455550.797 .6767167 2010.968787 9.8712
2011 apr 13 4.92 2455664.705 .5788979 2011.280657 11.5392
2011 aug 13 18.94 2455787.289 .6052531 2011.616281 11.0367

farthest mercury

2001 dec 5 7.12 2452248.797 1.4514467 2001.928209 4.6023
2002 apr 2 20.84 2452367.368 1.3468397 2002.252848 4.9598
2002 jul 24 .04 2452479.502 1.3403507 2002.559859 4.9838
2002 nov 18 1.80 2452596.575 1.4487293 2002.880395 4.6109
2003 mar 15 23.36 2452714.473 1.3638942 2003.203189 4.8977
2003 jul 7 3.44 2452827.643 1.3302823 2003.513039 5.0215
2003 oct 31 18.46 2452944.269 1.4390452 2003.832350 4.6420
2004 feb 25 18.77 2453061.282 1.3843933 2004.152720 4.8252
2004 jun 19 13.14 2453176.048 1.3241619 2004.466938 5.0447
2004 oct 13 7.05 2453291.794 1.4235629 2004.783840 4.6925
2005 feb 6 15.44 2453408.143 1.4059611 2005.102395 4.7512
2005 jun 3 1.49 2453524.562 1.3218411 2005.421139 5.0536
2005 sep 25 14.08 2453639.087 1.4042668 2005.734698 4.7569
2006 jan 19 18.39 2453755.266 1.4255991 2006.052786 4.6857
2006 may 17 12.54 2453873.022 1.3233218 2006.375192 5.0479
2006 sep 7 17.66 2453986.236 1.3837370 2006.685161 4.8275
2007 jan 2 4.58 2454102.691 1.4407577 2007.004004 4.6364
2007 apr 30 18.18 2454221.257 1.3289363 2007.328628 5.0266
2007 aug 20 23.49 2454333.479 1.3644373 2007.635879 4.8958
2007 dec 15 20.67 2454450.361 1.4496172 2007.955893 4.6081
2008 apr 12 14.77 2454569.115 1.3390141 2008.281031 4.9887
2008 aug 2 12.97 2454681.040 1.3481184 2008.587472 4.9551
2008 nov 27 15.86 2454798.161 1.4512171 2008.908137 4.6030
2009 mar 25 24.00 2454916.500 1.3536366 2009.232138 4.9349
2009 jul 16 11.77 2455028.991 1.3356018 2009.540128 5.0015
2009 nov 10 10.63 2455145.943 1.4454432 2009.860333 4.6214
2010 mar 7 22.97 2455263.457 1.3723310 2010.182076 4.8676
2010 jun 29 18.22 2455377.259 1.3271383 2010.493656 5.0334
2010 oct 24 1.52 2455493.563 1.4330469 2010.812086 4.6614
2011 feb 17 17.68 2455610.237 1.3935423 2011.131527 4.7935
2011 jun 13 5.34 2455725.723 1.3226369 2011.447717 5.0505

closest venus

2002 nov 1 8.04 2452579.835 .2708769 2002.834562 62.0946
2004 jun 8 6.88 2453164.787 .2888823 2004.436107 58.2244
2006 jan 13 6.19 2453748.758 .2664901 2006.034967 63.1168
2007 aug 18 9.96 2454330.915 .2881581 2007.628860 58.3707
2009 mar 27 12.22 2454918.009 .2814717 2009.236271 59.7573
2010 oct 29 21.56 2455499.398 .2715014 2010.828062 61.9518

farthest venus

2002 jan 16 8.31 2452290.846 1.7114698 2002.043337 9.8278
2003 aug 15 15.53 2452867.147 1.7304283 2003.621196 9.7201
2005 apr 4 1.68 2453464.570 1.7246170 2005.256887 9.7529
2006 oct 25 3.36 2454033.640 1.7162641 2006.814949 9.8004
2008 jun 9 4.31 2454626.679 1.7355769 2008.438637 9.6913
2010 jan 13 16.43 2455210.185 1.7112928 2010.036221 9.8288
2011 aug 13 8.82 2455786.868 1.7308547 2011.615126 9.7177

closest mars

2003 aug 27 9.87 2452878.911 .3727193 2003.653406 25.1127
2005 oct 30 3.43 2453673.643 .4640631 2005.829309 20.1697
2007 dec 18 23.78 2454453.491 .5893488 2007.964462 15.8819
2010 jan 27 19.03 2455224.293 .6639790 2010.074848 14.0968

farthest mars

2002 aug 14 12.01 2452501.000 2.6714415 2002.618720 3.5037
2004 sep 5 19.52 2453254.313 2.6671593 2004.681222 3.5094
2006 sep 30 9.53 2454008.897 2.6093719 2006.747204 3.5871
2008 oct 31 4.02 2454770.668 2.5033191 2008.832863 3.7390
2011 jan 7 23.48 2455569.478 2.3793132 2011.019935 3.9339

closest jupiter

2001 dec 31 1.14 2452274.548 4.1874723 2001.998713 47.0308
2003 feb 1 19.25 2452672.302 4.3271482 2003.087729 45.5127
2004 mar 4 9.36 2453068.890 4.4256572 2004.173550 44.4996
2005 apr 4 13.71 2453465.071 4.4566442 2005.258258 44.1902
2006 may 5 23.81 2453861.492 4.4126981 2006.343623 44.6303
2007 jun 7 12.35 2454259.015 4.3043738 2007.432003 45.7535
2008 jul 10 11.06 2454657.961 4.1610109 2008.524282 47.3298
2009 aug 15 3.30 2455058.637 4.0278203 2009.621298 48.8949
2010 sep 20 21.39 2455460.391 3.9539286 2010.721264 49.8087

farthest jupiter

2002 jul 21 11.43 2452476.976 6.2606935 2002.552944 31.4566
2003 aug 22 17.69 2452874.237 6.3838152 2003.640608 30.8499
2004 sep 21 2.65 2453269.610 6.4498627 2004.723105 30.5340
2005 oct 20 20.51 2453664.354 6.4428472 2005.803878 30.5672
2006 nov 19 20.97 2454059.374 6.3647140 2006.885405 30.9425
2007 dec 21 7.12 2454455.796 6.2348231 2007.970774 31.5871
2009 jan 23 2.81 2454854.617 6.0905469 2009.062709 32.3354
2010 feb 28 14.04 2455256.085 5.9806411 2010.161891 32.9296
2011 apr 8 1.76 2455659.573 5.9491928 2011.266606 33.1037

closest saturn

2001 dec 3 11.64 2452246.985 8.0805890 2001.923249 20.6247
2002 dec 17 13.89 2452626.079 8.0519415 2002.961173 20.6981
2003 dec 31 16.72 2453005.197 8.0501260 2003.999164 20.7028
2005 jan 13 18.80 2453384.284 8.0756221 2005.037069 20.6374
2006 jan 27 19.04 2453763.293 8.1268423 2006.074764 20.5074
2007 feb 10 15.45 2454142.144 8.2003691 2007.112022 20.3235
2008 feb 24 6.88 2454520.787 8.2914067 2008.148711 20.1003
2009 mar 8 17.04 2454899.210 8.3944566 2009.184800 19.8536
2010 mar 21 22.28 2455277.428 8.5038167 2010.220328 19.5983
2011 apr 3 22.91 2455655.455 8.6139423 2011.255330 19.3477

farthest saturn

2002 jun 9 15.56 2452435.148 10.0624128 2002.438424 16.5626
2003 jun 24 18.83 2452815.285 10.0473463 2003.479202 16.5875
2004 jul 8 22.27 2453195.428 10.0595241 2004.520000 16.5674
2005 jul 23 22.47 2453575.436 10.0983007 2005.560428 16.5038
2006 aug 7 16.54 2453955.189 10.1611130 2006.600157 16.4017
2007 aug 22 3.16 2454334.632 10.2438198 2007.639036 16.2693
2008 sep 4 4.98 2454713.708 10.3412607 2008.676912 16.1160
2009 sep 17 21.12 2455092.380 10.4478477 2009.713683 15.9516
2010 oct 1 2.91 2455470.621 10.5579772 2010.749273 15.7852

closest uranus

2002 aug 19 2.42 2452505.601 18.9933903 2002.631316 3.6097
2003 aug 23 11.98 2452874.999 19.0191201 2003.642695 3.6048
2004 aug 26 19.55 2453244.314 19.0416058 2004.653847 3.6005
2005 aug 31 4.58 2453613.691 19.0604066 2005.665165 3.5970
2006 sep 4 11.83 2453982.993 19.0753923 2006.676281 3.5942
2007 sep 8 20.62 2454352.359 19.0860684 2007.687572 3.5921
2008 sep 12 4.08 2454721.670 19.0921583 2008.698712 3.5910
2009 sep 16 12.77 2455091.032 19.0929502 2009.709992 3.5909
2010 sep 20 20.35 2455460.348 19.0881836 2010.721145 3.5918

farthest uranus

2002 feb 14 15.70 2452320.154 20.9788761 2002.123580 3.2680
2003 feb 18 21.23 2452689.385 21.0062164 2003.134499 3.2638
2004 feb 23 1.52 2453058.563 21.0303769 2004.145277 3.2600
2005 feb 26 6.76 2453427.782 21.0510027 2005.156163 3.2569
2006 mar 2 10.72 2453796.946 21.0679847 2006.166903 3.2542
2007 mar 6 15.88 2454166.162 21.0808245 2007.177781 3.2522
2008 mar 9 19.73 2454535.322 21.0893332 2008.188509 3.2509
2009 mar 14 .98 2454904.541 21.0927831 2009.199395 3.2504
2010 mar 18 4.93 2455273.706 21.0908926 2010.210135 3.2507
2011 mar 22 10.27 2455642.928 21.0831278 2011.221033 3.2519

closest neptune

2002 aug 1 17.18 2452488.216 29.0743923 2002.583717 2.5149
2003 aug 4 4.00 2452855.667 29.0642661 2003.589764 2.5158
2004 aug 5 17.18 2453223.216 29.0553655 2004.596080 2.5166
2005 aug 8 4.57 2453590.691 29.0472946 2005.602193 2.5173
2006 aug 10 17.34 2453958.223 29.0398292 2006.608463 2.5179
2007 aug 13 5.70 2454325.738 29.0323338 2007.614685 2.5186
2008 aug 14 18.21 2454693.259 29.0245607 2008.620925 2.5192
2009 aug 17 7.61 2455060.817 29.0158344 2009.627266 2.5200
2010 aug 19 19.57 2455428.316 29.0060478 2010.633443 2.5209
2011 aug 22 9.38 2455795.891 28.9951812 2011.639832 2.5218

farthest neptune

2002 jan 28 21.42 2452303.392 31.0798146 2002.077687 2.3527
2003 jan 31 8.41 2452670.851 31.0691459 2003.083754 2.3535
2004 feb 2 18.90 2453038.288 31.0595934 2004.089764 2.3542
2005 feb 4 6.74 2453405.781 31.0512032 2005.095927 2.3548
2006 feb 6 16.64 2453773.193 31.0434487 2006.101869 2.3554
2007 feb 9 4.76 2454140.698 31.0360165 2007.108065 2.3560
2008 feb 11 14.65 2454508.110 31.0284376 2008.114005 2.3565
2009 feb 13 2.63 2454875.609 31.0201524 2009.120184 2.3572
2010 feb 15 13.08 2455243.045 31.0109436 2010.126189 2.3579
2011 feb 18 .27 2455610.511 31.0004907 2011.132279 2.3587

closest pluto

2002 jun 6 9.40 2452431.891 29.5180223 2002.429506 .2727
2003 jun 8 21.44 2452799.393 29.6554145 2003.435693 .2715
2004 jun 10 11.30 2453166.971 29.8023276 2004.442087 .2701
2005 jun 12 22.43 2453534.435 29.9579830 2005.448169 .2687
2006 jun 15 10.98 2453901.958 30.1216194 2006.454414 .2672
2007 jun 17 21.37 2454269.390 30.2923327 2007.460412 .2657
2008 jun 19 8.25 2454636.844 30.4696948 2008.466466 .2642
2009 jun 21 18.18 2455004.258 30.6531454 2009.472411 .2626
2010 jun 24 2.77 2455371.615 30.8427254 2010.478204 .2610
2011 jun 26 11.73 2455738.989 31.0384135 2011.484039 .2594

farthest pluto

2001 dec 7 23.22 2452251.468 31.4228451 2001.935522 .2562
2002 dec 10 14.22 2452619.092 31.5587144 2002.942045 .2551
2003 dec 13 6.61 2452986.775 31.7043203 2003.948728 .2539
2004 dec 14 20.20 2453354.342 31.8589475 2004.955091 .2527
2005 dec 17 10.42 2453721.934 32.0216154 2005.961526 .2514
2006 dec 19 23.02 2454089.459 32.1917266 2006.967776 .2501
2007 dec 22 10.63 2454456.943 32.3683240 2007.973913 .2487
2008 dec 23 22.35 2454824.431 32.5511744 2008.980063 .2473
2009 dec 26 7.76 2455191.823 32.7397977 2009.985949 .2459
2010 dec 28 18.47 2455559.269 32.9342951 2010.991983 .2444

closest ceres

2002 oct 5 5.73 2452552.739 1.9590096 2002.760375 .5360
2004 jan 11 9.58 2453015.899 1.6257682 2004.028466 .6458
2005 may 7 1.23 2453497.551 1.6867499 2005.347186 .6225
2006 aug 11 1.64 2453958.568 1.9851432 2006.609409 .5289
2007 nov 11 19.08 2454416.295 1.8321391 2007.862623 .5731
2009 feb 25 23.64 2454888.485 1.5831997 2009.155437 .6632
2010 jun 16 10.13 2455363.922 1.8249544 2010.457140 .5754

farthest ceres

2002 feb 18 6.56 2452323.773 3.9611434 2002.133488 .2651
2003 may 12 15.95 2452772.165 3.7941706 2003.361143 .2767
2004 sep 12 22.91 2453261.455 3.5475016 2004.700775 .2960
2006 jan 1 19.57 2453737.316 3.8581662 2006.003639 .2722
2007 mar 21 13.59 2454181.066 3.9419878 2007.218588 .2664
2008 jun 23 1.24 2454640.552 3.6492508 2008.476618 .2877
2009 nov 4 21.49 2455140.395 3.6463050 2009.845144 .2880
2011 feb 2 16.12 2455595.171 3.9438853 2011.090280 .2662

closest pallas

2002 aug 15 16.02 2452502.168 2.4739796 2002.621916 .2668
2003 oct 18 3.81 2452930.659 1.7940921 2003.795086 .3679
2005 mar 15 14.02 2453445.084 1.3677009 2005.203535 .4826
2006 jun 28 .74 2453914.531 2.5227231 2006.488839 .2616
2007 sep 7 17.24 2454351.218 2.2520289 2007.684449 .2931
2008 dec 13 11.37 2454813.974 1.5620733 2008.951431 .4225
2010 apr 20 12.26 2455307.011 1.9473743 2010.301323 .3389
2011 jul 31 1.93 2455773.580 2.5482726 2011.578747 .2590

farthest pallas

2002 jan 16 2.53 2452290.605 4.2240411 2002.042678 .1562
2003 feb 28 2.13 2452698.589 4.1742219 2003.159700 .1581
2004 jun 12 22.27 2453169.428 3.0835617 2004.448814 .2140
2005 dec 1 9.27 2453705.886 3.8139703 2005.917589 .1730
2007 feb 3 20.45 2454135.352 4.3265433 2007.093427 .1525
2008 mar 15 14.96 2454541.123 3.8566959 2008.204391 .1711
2009 sep 27 3.43 2455101.643 3.2803412 2009.739043 .2012
2011 jan 1 22.56 2455563.440 4.1005242 2011.003401 .1610

closest vesta

2001 nov 26 18.06 2452240.253 1.5882040 2001.904816 .4156
2003 mar 31 13.48 2452730.062 1.2812914 2003.245869 .5151
2004 sep 8 7.64 2453256.818 1.3699226 2004.688081 .4818
2006 jan 7 17.29 2453743.220 1.5520908 2006.019806 .4252
2007 may 31 23.31 2454252.471 1.1427929 2007.414089 .5775
2008 oct 27 2.98 2454766.624 1.5382725 2008.821792 .4291
2010 feb 22 4.90 2455249.704 1.4116726 2010.144422 .4675
2011 aug 1 5.12 2455774.713 1.2272131 2011.581849 .5378

farthest vesta

2002 jul 16 10.01 2452471.917 3.5142452 2002.539093 .1878
2003 dec 27 6.69 2453000.779 3.1443612 2003.987068 .2099
2005 may 16 8.35 2453506.848 3.5583667 2005.372639 .1855
2006 aug 29 17.11 2453977.213 3.3381727 2006.660456 .1977
2008 mar 2 18.61 2454528.275 3.2910207 2008.169215 .2005
2009 jun 20 16.96 2455003.207 3.5766684 2009.469534 .1845
2010 nov 2 15.49 2455503.145 3.1605386 2010.838320 .2088

closest juno

2002 feb 2 4.84 2452307.702 1.4279958 2002.089486 .1961
2003 may 1 12.45 2452761.019 2.3335863 2003.330626 .1200
2004 jul 17 4.93 2453203.705 2.0082611 2004.542663 .1394
2005 dec 4 11.22 2453708.968 1.0628786 2005.926025 .2634
2007 apr 4 23.05 2454195.461 2.1341066 2007.257998 .1312
2008 jun 17 3.45 2454634.644 2.2783684 2008.460442 .1229
2009 sep 29 4.08 2455103.670 1.1991032 2009.744594 .2335
2011 mar 4 16.60 2455625.192 1.7746875 2011.172472 .1578

farthest juno

2002 oct 14 18.23 2452562.260 4.0277671 2002.786442 .0695
2003 nov 30 14.67 2452974.111 4.2846200 2003.914055 .0654
2005 feb 3 11.70 2453404.987 3.4215891 2005.093755 .0818
2006 sep 21 8.25 2453999.844 3.6558853 2006.722417 .0766
2007 nov 14 14.15 2454419.090 4.3246024 2007.870274 .0647
2009 jan 3 20.25 2454835.344 3.8503963 2009.009941 .0727
2010 aug 6 6.96 2455414.790 3.1665942 2010.596411 .0884

greatest phase angle mercury

2001 oct 14 4.15 2452196.673 175.1626358 2001.785499 .1781
2002 jan 27 17.56 2452302.232 169.7140011 2002.074509 .8036
2002 may 27 2.22 2452421.593 176.1628679 2002.401309 .1121
2002 sep 27 22.11 2452545.421 172.5838097 2002.740340 .4183
2003 jan 11 17.84 2452651.243 170.8405527 2003.030072 .6375
2003 may 7 7.89 2452766.829 179.5587553 2003.346534 .0015
2003 sep 11 5.98 2452893.749 170.4144167 2003.694031 .6981
2003 dec 26 22.79 2453000.450 172.6137003 2003.986167 .4149
2004 apr 17 5.11 2453112.713 175.6668141 2004.293534 .1429
2004 aug 24 .06 2453241.502 168.8572661 2004.646148 .9426
2004 dec 10 6.37 2453349.765 174.8945305 2004.942562 .1984
2005 mar 29 20.66 2453459.361 172.6244488 2005.242624 .4137
2005 aug 6 .19 2453588.508 168.1607947 2005.596217 1.0636
2005 nov 24 14.63 2453699.110 177.5334383 2005.899035 .0463
2006 mar 12 5.82 2453806.742 170.5835580 2006.193723 .6737
2006 jul 18 3.41 2453934.642 168.6252547 2006.543901 .9821
2006 nov 8 21.70 2454048.404 179.6308592 2006.855371 .0010
2007 feb 23 5.91 2454154.746 169.5343357 2007.146527 .8318
2007 jun 28 11.06 2454279.961 170.5187526 2007.489353 .6830
2007 oct 24 1.54 2454397.564 176.7631990 2007.811340 .0798
2008 feb 6 17.73 2454503.239 169.4062324 2008.100667 .8522
2008 jun 7 8.09 2454624.837 173.8183480 2008.433592 .2907
2008 oct 6 23.87 2454746.494 174.0297721 2008.766679 .2712
2009 jan 20 14.20 2454852.092 170.1056913 2009.055795 .7437
2009 may 18 7.44 2454969.810 177.9815747 2009.378097 .0310
2009 sep 20 13.97 2455095.082 171.6030617 2009.721081 .5360
2010 jan 4 16.74 2455201.198 171.5219369 2010.011615 .5464
2010 apr 28 19.14 2455315.297 177.8240674 2010.324010 .0361
2010 sep 3 16.46 2455443.186 169.6662669 2010.674157 .8110
2010 dec 19 23.10 2455550.462 173.5270444 2010.967870 .3187
2011 apr 10 .14 2455661.506 174.2589966 2011.271898 .2508
2011 aug 17 3.41 2455790.642 168.4397019 2011.625461 1.0143

least phase angle mercury

2001 dec 4 14.67 2452248.111 1.9471624 2001.926333 99.9711
2002 apr 7 11.44 2452371.977 2.6878354 2002.265465 99.9450
2002 jul 21 .29 2452476.512 4.9954789 2002.551673 99.8101
2002 nov 14 3.73 2452592.656 .2707012 2002.869664 99.9994
2003 mar 22 2.81 2452720.617 3.7966326 2003.220010 99.8903
2003 jul 5 8.19 2452825.841 4.3623458 2003.508105 99.8551
2003 oct 25 13.76 2452938.073 1.3962382 2003.815386 99.9852
2004 mar 4 4.56 2453068.690 4.5835267 2004.173003 99.8401
2004 jun 18 19.21 2453175.300 3.4132888 2004.464892 99.9113
2004 oct 5 23.78 2453284.491 2.8750822 2004.763845 99.9371
2005 feb 14 11.57 2453415.982 4.9405561 2005.123856 99.8142
2005 jun 3 7.51 2453524.813 2.2193732 2005.421826 99.9625
2005 sep 18 7.10 2453631.796 4.0481140 2005.714735 99.8753
2006 jan 26 18.23 2453762.260 4.7800259 2006.071933 99.8261
2006 may 18 19.31 2453874.305 .8646752 2006.378702 99.9943
2006 sep 1 7.47 2453979.811 4.8434988 2006.667570 99.8215
2007 jan 6 22.21 2454107.426 4.0602182 2007.016966 99.8745
2007 may 3 4.62 2454223.692 .5581455 2007.335295 99.9976
2007 aug 15 20.66 2454328.361 5.2272195 2007.621867 99.7921
2007 dec 17 6.48 2454451.770 2.8288049 2007.959751 99.9391
2008 apr 16 9.26 2454572.886 1.9457684 2008.291354 99.9712
2008 jul 29 19.23 2454677.301 5.1949539 2008.577234 99.7946
2008 nov 25 12.34 2454796.014 1.2475642 2008.902260 99.9881
2009 mar 31 6.41 2454921.767 3.1898685 2009.246559 99.9225
2009 jul 14 .41 2455026.517 4.7694020 2009.533355 99.8269
2009 nov 5 9.49 2455140.895 .4495838 2009.846513 99.9985
2010 mar 14 16.51 2455270.188 4.1765105 2010.200505 99.8672
2010 jun 28 9.87 2455375.911 3.9947640 2010.489965 99.8785
2010 oct 17 5.87 2455486.745 2.0540917 2010.793417 99.9679
2011 feb 25 10.99 2455617.958 4.7931979 2011.152667 99.8251
2011 jun 12 21.70 2455725.404 2.9333739 2011.446845 99.9345

greatest phase angle venus

2002 oct 31 22.49 2452579.437 172.2371035 2002.833473 .4582
2004 jun 8 8.35 2453164.848 179.7565911


Osebje foruma
17. avg 2007

Ker sem zamudil tisti čas, ko si ga napisal da se bo zgodila konjunkcija, sem na telefonu zavrtel čas nazaj in pogledal kaj se je takrat dogajalo na nebu, ampak tam sta bila luna in venera dokaj narazen (očitno niso upoštevali velikost lune).


1. sep 2007
Far Far Away
Ne, mislim, da je bilo vse ok..

Sem tudi sam najprej pomislil, da bo v bistvu "mrk" Venere in sem se šele potem zunaj spomnil, da bo konjunkcija (navidezno zbližanje) z Luno tokrat res samo približanje (morda sem zgoraj malce nerodno zapisal en stavek - "najmanjši možen kot" ne pomeni nujno 0°!). Venera se vendarle ne giblje tako hitro prek obzorja (če se Zemlja npr. ne bi vrtela okoli svoje osi), da bi se kaj takega lahko zgodilo, podobno v grobem velja za Luno, Zemlja pa tudi ne more naenkrat priti pod tak kot napram Luni in Veneri, da bi se ti dve pokrili (v trenutni situaciji).

Možno, da čas približanja ni bil najbolj točen, čeprav bi rekel, da kar, sploh če upoštevamo, da je po nekem drugem viru do konjunkcije prišlo ob 17:25 UTC (ali GMT) oziroma 18:25 CET, pa je najbrž pri tem treba še upoštevati položaj recimo Ljubljane znotraj časovnega pasu.

Pa še nekaj astroloških aspektov konjunkcije Lune z Venero (jih moram tudi sam še prebrati

Moon-Venus contacts involve instinctive feeling reactions to social and intimate relationships; and these shape responses to the situations and experiences. The conjunction indicates that you have sociable and friendly relationships, characterized by sensitive awareness and affection.

You will enjoy numerous social contacts, feeling at ease with others and appreciating a diversity of communication, preferring the company of those whose relationship approach is sincere and straight-forward. You dislike social conflict, and try to minimize any discord with others, sometimes through tact and diplomacy, sometimes by compromise or a friendliness that diffuses tensions. Experiencing these interpersonal approaches as reasonably successful may encourage you to adopt better communication as a personal 'ideal', beliving that life can be improved if everyone is more sensitively aware, and avoiding individual gains when made only by another's loss. You offer your hand of friendship, expressing human warmth, civility, and conscious goodwill. With your personality, if the rest of the chart amplifies these tendencies, you are likely to find success in working with the public.

Usually you receive a favorable response from others; and through reducing the superficiality of many social contacts, you can transmit positive attitudes to people. Shorn of unnecessary pretence, your direct human approach can appear almost too simple - some may even feel threatened and suspicious, especially those who prefer to maintain social masks and distance themselves from others. You allow your sensitivity to shine through and, while some may not recognize or acknowledge its presence, others will welcome it. Your genuine interest in others helps to build bridges between people, and, along with your natural sympathetic understanding of human dilemmas, can place you in a position to offer help to those in need. Yet, if brusquely rejected, you are unsure of how to deal with bruised feelings, and your sensitivity shrinks away from negative responses.

Within more intimate relationships, your emotions are highly activated and given priority. Both Moon and Venus require emotional satisfaction and stimulation; and the quality of a loving relationship is extremely important to you. You are probably attractive to others, and often socially magnetic; and, with your combination of grace, charm and artistic sensitivity, you will receive the interest of many, with the possibility of numerous relationships occurring unless you marry or settle into a permanent relationship early in life.

You may allow previous family bonds to interfere with a new or developing relationship. The older lunar patterns may still be overly oactive; and any residual dependency on parents or family members may affect the evolution of a new family unit; the 'mother-in-law syndrome' may be a classic example of this! Venus can exaggerate any tendency toward self-indulgence and preoccupation with satisfying selfish needs, with a corresponding disregard for those of a partner. Extra self-discipline may be needed within intimate partnerships, especially in areas of mutual sharing. There may be occasional attempts at emotional manipulation, both by a partner taking advantage of your sensitive feelings, and by yourself when attempting to gain your way.

Home life is important, providing a secure foundation to whatever life-style you desire; and personal enjoyment will come from domestic pursuits, especially from a comfortable home, sensual clothes, food, and material possessions. It is important for you to develop a beautiful home envieonment; and if you take full advantage of prudent financial management, you will be able to devote additional resources to your home. Your artistic sensitivity can also be demonstrated in improving your personal and family home.
Nazadnje urejeno:


13. avg 2007
Vzhodna Gorenjska
Evo, po samo nekaj dnevih se je medsebojni položaj Lune in Venere popolnoma spremenil. Zato sem bil zadnjič zmeden. Videti je da navidezno zaostaja Luna.