Ne, mislim, da je bilo vse ok..
Sem tudi sam najprej pomislil, da bo v bistvu "mrk" Venere in sem se šele potem zunaj spomnil, da bo konjunkcija (navidezno zbližanje) z Luno tokrat res samo približanje (morda sem zgoraj malce nerodno zapisal en stavek - "najmanjši možen kot" ne pomeni nujno 0°!). Venera se vendarle ne giblje tako hitro prek obzorja (če se Zemlja npr. ne bi vrtela okoli svoje osi), da bi se kaj takega lahko zgodilo, podobno v grobem velja za Luno, Zemlja pa tudi ne more naenkrat priti pod tak kot napram Luni in Veneri, da bi se ti dve pokrili (v trenutni situaciji).
Možno, da čas približanja ni bil najbolj točen, čeprav bi rekel, da kar, sploh če upoštevamo, da je po nekem drugem viru do konjunkcije prišlo ob 17:25 UTC (ali GMT) oziroma 18:25 CET, pa je najbrž pri tem treba še upoštevati položaj recimo Ljubljane znotraj časovnega pasu.
Pa še nekaj astroloških aspektov konjunkcije Lune z Venero (jih moram tudi sam še prebrati
Moon-Venus contacts involve instinctive feeling reactions to social and intimate relationships; and these shape responses to the situations and experiences. The conjunction indicates that you have sociable and friendly relationships, characterized by sensitive awareness and affection.
You will enjoy numerous social contacts, feeling at ease with others and appreciating a diversity of communication, preferring the company of those whose relationship approach is sincere and straight-forward. You dislike social conflict, and try to minimize any discord with others, sometimes through tact and diplomacy, sometimes by compromise or a friendliness that diffuses tensions. Experiencing these interpersonal approaches as reasonably successful may encourage you to adopt better communication as a personal 'ideal', beliving that life can be improved if everyone is more sensitively aware, and avoiding individual gains when made only by another's loss. You offer your hand of friendship, expressing human warmth, civility, and conscious goodwill. With your personality, if the rest of the chart amplifies these tendencies, you are likely to find success in working with the public.
Usually you receive a favorable response from others; and through reducing the superficiality of many social contacts, you can transmit positive attitudes to people. Shorn of unnecessary pretence, your direct human approach can appear almost too simple - some may even feel threatened and suspicious, especially those who prefer to maintain social masks and distance themselves from others. You allow your sensitivity to shine through and, while some may not recognize or acknowledge its presence, others will welcome it. Your genuine interest in others helps to build bridges between people, and, along with your natural sympathetic understanding of human dilemmas, can place you in a position to offer help to those in need. Yet, if brusquely rejected, you are unsure of how to deal with bruised feelings, and your sensitivity shrinks away from negative responses.
Within more intimate relationships, your emotions are highly activated and given priority. Both Moon and Venus require emotional satisfaction and stimulation; and the quality of a loving relationship is extremely important to you. You are probably attractive to others, and often socially magnetic; and, with your combination of grace, charm and artistic sensitivity, you will receive the interest of many, with the possibility of numerous relationships occurring unless you marry or settle into a permanent relationship early in life.
You may allow previous family bonds to interfere with a new or developing relationship. The older lunar patterns may still be overly oactive; and any residual dependency on parents or family members may affect the evolution of a new family unit; the 'mother-in-law syndrome' may be a classic example of this! Venus can exaggerate any tendency toward self-indulgence and preoccupation with satisfying selfish needs, with a corresponding disregard for those of a partner. Extra self-discipline may be needed within intimate partnerships, especially in areas of mutual sharing. There may be occasional attempts at emotional manipulation, both by a partner taking advantage of your sensitive feelings, and by yourself when attempting to gain your way.
Home life is important, providing a secure foundation to whatever life-style you desire; and personal enjoyment will come from domestic pursuits, especially from a comfortable home, sensual clothes, food, and material possessions. It is important for you to develop a beautiful home envieonment; and if you take full advantage of prudent financial management, you will be able to devote additional resources to your home. Your artistic sensitivity can also be demonstrated in improving your personal and family home.