Uvoz izven EU 2021-DDV


1. avg 2007
VNe glede na obdelanost.
1. Zaradi COVID-19 je Komisija predlagala 6-mesečno zamaknitev upkrepa. Ne vem, če je Svet to (že=) odobril.
NZ did this at the start of this year. Now when I buy something to be shipped to an NZ address, Ali adds 15%tax to the final total. They then clear it up with the govt.

I'd expect they will do the same for EU countries given they have the systems in place.

I was expecting it to actually accelerate the customs clearance timing for inbound goods as a silver lining... But covid muddled it all up so I can't tell if that's happened.
Vsaj AliExpress zna po pričevanjih drugje že obračunati DDV. Ker se tam kupuje stvari, ki so poceni ali drugje ne dostopne, dodan DDV verjetno ne bo hudo prizadel nikogar.
13. jul 2011
Saj. Ni sporno, da se plača cesarju kar je cesarjevega. Sporno je za 1EUR vredno stvar plačati 10 EUR stroškov, tako da upam da bo sistem obračuna ddv avtomatiziran.