On Russian TV, Clinton-Trump Race Merits Wall-to-Wall Coverage
Given the blanket coverage on Russia’s main state-run new channels on Tuesday, it often seemed that the United States presidential election was actually happening here.
Rossiya 24, the main cable news channel, promised live coverage starting at 1 a.m. Moscow time on Wednesday morning
The blanket coverage had led to more than a little grumbling that the Kremlin-managed news media was devoting more time and energy to the American elections than it paid to a national parliamentary vote in Russia less than two months ago.
“Correct me if I am wrong, but this has not happened for any elections in Russia,” Dmitry Gudkov, an opposition politician who lost his seat in part because nongovernment candidates got virtually zero television coverage, wrote on Facebook.
Despite the omnipresent news media coverage, some people on the streets still had to think a minute about the main contenders for the White House.
“Yesterday on the radio I heard that some woman is running, what is her name, Clinton?” said Daniil Protasov, a student at a dental school. “I know Trump, he is against migrants and homosexuals and Clinton is all about hatred of Russia.”
The chattering classes, who would like a more open system in Russia, were dismayed that the tenor of the campaign gave the Kremlin the opportunity to paint Western democracy as a chaotic mess, contrasting it with the orderliness of the Russian political system. Never mind that the Kremlin has been accused by the White House of intervening in the American campaign, doing its best to create the appearance of chaos.