Zanima me, ali je možno na totih mega pametnih zadevah uporabit usb port za namen programiranja kakšne druge naprave.
Recimo preko USB/com port adapterja, seveda s pomočjo programske opreme.... - nekaj sem vprašal na HTC pa sem dobil tale odgovor:
"Kindly be informed that the serial port in the HTC desire HD is used for data transfer to PC and charge only, it hasn’t been tested with external devices, kindly check with the manufacturer of these devices if they can assure you if they can be supported by the handset or the Android system or not.
Please note that most preobably you will need a 3rd party application to define these devices on the phone."
Tak me je zanimalo, da ne bi rabil nosil velikega laptopa na teren in bi enostavno podatke iz nekaterih instrumentov pobral kar s pomočjo telefona...
Zanima me, ali je možno na totih mega pametnih zadevah uporabit usb port za namen programiranja kakšne druge naprave.
Recimo preko USB/com port adapterja, seveda s pomočjo programske opreme.... - nekaj sem vprašal na HTC pa sem dobil tale odgovor:
"Kindly be informed that the serial port in the HTC desire HD is used for data transfer to PC and charge only, it hasn’t been tested with external devices, kindly check with the manufacturer of these devices if they can assure you if they can be supported by the handset or the Android system or not.
Please note that most preobably you will need a 3rd party application to define these devices on the phone."
Tak me je zanimalo, da ne bi rabil nosil velikega laptopa na teren in bi enostavno podatke iz nekaterih instrumentov pobral kar s pomočjo telefona...