Spot Messenger 2


18. jul 2007
SPOT je dvosmerni GPS sprejemnik s SOS gumbkom , za prave pustovolce.

This is for emergency help, in a life threatening situation. It is equivalent to calling 911. Once activated, it will transmit the distress signal with your location, every five minutes or until it is shut off. These messages go to a center in Houston, Texas, which SPOT says is staffed around the clock. This center will then find your location and contact the appropriate law enforcement agency and notify them of your location. You can expect a "lights and siren" type response if you press this button. This button is under a protective cover.


Pokritost (sprejema povsod, a oddaja samo na spodnjem področju):

The Spot is marketed as an emergency beacon, but also offers the ability to allow family and friends to follow your location. In an era of social networking, people are finding the Spot to be appealing for allowing others to track their hike, run or vacation. You can even have your location posted to a Twitter or Facebook account. Unlike other and by some accounts more reliable beacons, which offer only a distress signal, the SPOT units provide you the ability to send "I'm Okay" updates and also for family and friends to follow your location, with signals sent out every ten minutes, through the optional tracking feature. It also has the HELP function, allowing for a message to family or friends to come give you help, but it is not an emergency There is also the new custom message button, which is essentially the same as OK, but can be preprogrammed for a specific message, or you can choose different recipients. Overall, we have found the Spot 2 to be a reliable and easy way to keep in touch with those back at home. It retails for $169 dollars and requires a $99 yearly subscription.
celotni opis

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Ni to uporabljal fant v kajaku?

Pa 100$ na leto je potrebno odšteti.. No te pa takoj najdejo, to je pa tudi nekaj.


18. jul 2007
Uporabnik Snecer pravi:
Ni to uporabljal fant v kajaku?

Pa 100$ na leto je potrebno odšteti.. No te pa takoj najdejo, to je pa tudi nekaj.

Odvisno kaj počneš. Za večino ljudi neuporabno, razen za strastne privržence socialnih omrežij.