Čisto sveže, počasi pobirajo navadni mediji.
Sam dvomim, da bi "bombo" prožili na stezi, ob letalu.
Let je šel na Dunaj - Da ni bombaš slučajno Slovak?
popravil naslov
BREAKING Rome Fiumicino Airport evacuated due to bomb threat.
BREAKING Rome Fiumicino Airport closed due to possible bomb on a #flyniki Airbus A320 to Vienna.
UPDATE Plane still on runway but airport still accepting flights to takeoff and land on runway 34L /@FlightEmergency
UPDATE Rome Fiumicino Airport closed due to possible bomb on a #flyniki Airbus A320 to Vienna. You can watch live: http://live.airlive.net
UPDATE Bomb threat at Rome Fiumicino. The plane is isolated at end of a runway. Live: http://live.airlive.net
UPDATE A guy from Slovenia declaring to have a bomb has been captured on Niki Flight by italian police. http://live.airlive.net
BREAKING Bomb threat: Slovenian man warned the captain he hid a bomb in his baggage. All pax are now being checked http://live.airlive.net
UPDATE Bomb threat at Rome Fiumicino. The plane is isolated at end of a runway. Pax checked. http://live.airlive.net
UPDATE Bomb threat at Rome Fiumicino. 82 PAX disembarked and the responsable of this alarm taken to local police. http://live.airlive.net
Photo: #Rome #fiumicino airport #flyniki SUSPECTED to be a bomb on board after claim from Sloveian man - FlightCris
BREAKING Bomb threat: Smoke on the runway of the airport of Fiumicino. Bomb has been detonated http://live.airlive.net
UPDATE Big delays at Rome Fiumicino after earlier bomb threat. Avarage departure delay is 65mins /@flightradar24
Sam dvomim, da bi "bombo" prožili na stezi, ob letalu.
Let je šel na Dunaj - Da ni bombaš slučajno Slovak?
popravil naslov
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