Samsung L700 pomoč


24. okt 2007
mene pa neki zanima če mogoče kdo ve: trenutno si lastim naveden telefon in imam problem pri nalaganju brskalnika mini opera za ta telefon. najdu sm na netu datoteko *.jad in *.jar kar je vrjetno java aplikacija vendar ko naložim na kartico mi noče odpreti in javi napako neznani format. a ma mogoče kdo kkšno idejo kaj bi blo lohk narobe?


26. jul 2007
Še mene nekej zanima..Kok časa vam drži baterija? Eni mi pravjo 7 dni, men še zdaleč ne.
Sej je to polimerna baterija ane, ker mi je prodajalc rekel nej jo filam čez noč. Itak, da je nisem.


600.registrirani uporabnik
22. avg 2007
Ljubljana- okolica
Poskusi tole:
How to install Java games on the Samsung L700 without any software or drivers
(I've done this on a pc with Windows XP and don't know how well it would go on any other OS)

In the phone Menu select

Then select
'Phone settings'

'USB settings'

And choose
'Ask on connection'

Plug the Phone in to the PC with the USB cable

On the phone selct
'Media player'

On the PC wait until it detects the phone and select
'Open the device to view files'

Open the folder

You should see the folders: Images, Other files, Sounds, Videos

Create a new folder and name it

Put any game you want to install in that 'Games' folder

Two things need to made sure of when copying over the games. Firstly make sure you have the *.jar and
*.jad files for each game, if you don't have the *.jad file, you can download a jad creator pretty easily, just type it in Google. Secondly each game has to be in it's own folder, if you just dump all the *.jar and *.jad files directly into the 'Games' folder only the first game installed will work (Poorly too).

Unplug the phone

Now on the phone dial the code:


Select 'Internals' (Number 4)
It will ask for a master key it is:


Select 'Storage settings' (Number 7)

Update Java DB (Number 2)

Now on the phone enter the code:


Select 'Internals' (Number 4)
It will ask for a master key it is:


Select 'Storage settings' (Number 7)

Update Java DB (Number 2)

Turn the phone off

Turn it back on

Now on the phone enter the code:


Select 'Internals' (Number 4)
It will ask for a master key it is:


Select 'Storage settings' (Number 7)

Update Java DB (Number 2)

The games should now be installed with no problems, I know it's bit repetitive but this has worked the best for me.

(Note: if you delete a game on your phone and then want to reinstall it later you will have to give that game a different folder name before you put it in the created Games folder. It won't allow that folder name again even though you've deleted it)


10. jan 2009

Mene pa zanima, kar se tiče teh kod za inštalacijo jave na samsungove telefone, če morda kdo ve, kako je potem z garancijo, ali jo to razveljavi?
