za prvomajske prvič letim z Ryanairom, karte sem rezerviral že februarja, danes pa dobim sledeči email:
kaj mi s tem emailom hočjo povedat? da mi bodo dodatno zaračunali na letališču neke dodatne taxe? na njihovi strani iščem " Spanish airport charges" pa ne najdem nič!
je kdo imel že kako tako izkušnjo?
Dear Customer
In relation to your flight reference
Ryanair has been advised by the Spanish Government of a budgetary proposal to increase airport charges later this month.
In accordance with our General Terms and Conditions of Travel* we are advising customers with a reservation that includes a flight departing from a Spanish airport that we may be forced to debit passengers for any government imposed increases in airport charges prior to your travel date.
Once the Spanish government budget is published Ryanair will advise affected passengers by email of any additional airport charges that may apply to your reservation before any charges are made.
Please see our website for updates regarding increases in Spanish airport charges.
Yours sincerely
Ryanair Customer Service
• 4.2.2 Taxes, fees and charges imposed on air travel are constantly changing and can be imposed after the date that your reservation has been made. If any such tax, fee or charge is introduced or increased after your reservation has been made you will be obliged to pay it (or any increase) prior to departure. Similarly, if any such tax, fee or charge is abolished or reduced such that it no longer applies to you, or a lesser amount is due, you will be entitled to claim a refund of the difference from us.
ITINERARY/RECEIPT - All times are local.
kaj mi s tem emailom hočjo povedat? da mi bodo dodatno zaračunali na letališču neke dodatne taxe? na njihovi strani iščem " Spanish airport charges" pa ne najdem nič!

je kdo imel že kako tako izkušnjo?