In other countries such as Colombia, Germany, Greece, Mexico, Norway, Peru, Poland, Russia, Spain (except in catalonia), Ukraine, Venezuela and Serbia, however, it is worn on the right hand. Orthodox Christians and Eastern Europeans (except for the Romanians) also traditionally wear the wedding band on the right hand. Jewish women wear the wedding ring on the left hand, even though it is placed on the right hand during the marriage ceremony. Men do not traditionally wear rings at all although in some of the "Modernist" movements it has begun to gain currency. In The Netherlands, Catholics wear it on the left, Protestants on the right and all others on the left; in Austria, Catholics wear it on the right. In Belgium, the choice of hand depends on the region of the country. Greek people, many being Orthodox Christians, also wear the wedding rings on the right hand in keeping with Greek tradition. A traditional reason to wear the wedding ring on the right hand stems from Roman custom. The Latin word for left is "sinister", which in addition to this sense also has the same senses as the English word. The Latin word for right is "dexter", a word that evolved into "dexterity". Hence, the left hand had a negative connotation and the right a good one.