- tip je video posnel z takšnim računalnikom: AMD X2 4400+ , 2GB rama in NVIDIA 8800GTS.
- Poleg tega je še snemal z frapsom, ki vemo, da požere veliko sistemskih sredstev
- Za del, ko zaslon zmrzne in slišimo pisk (pri zagonu diskkeeperja in cccleanerja), je kriv UAC, ki zmrzne vse razen sebe, dokler mu ne odgovorimo.
Original info:
However without a doubt the most common concern people would have is precisely how all these new features and eye candy affect the responsiveness of Vista. Once again this harks back to the myth that if it’s pretty or more functional, it must be slower or need a supercomputer to run smoothly. With that in mind, I created the above video demonstration of the Vista desktop with full eye candy, using the capture utility Fraps. Have a look at it for yourself, keeping in mind the following points.
# The PC on which the demo was made consists of an X2 4400+ CPU, 2GB of RAM and an 8800GTS graphics card, all at stock speeds–hardly cutting edge technology or super-powered.
# Recording with Fraps is a system intensive process, and I also set Fraps to record at a set framerate of 30FPS. This means that the Vista desktop is actually much more responsive than shown in the video. Try recording the Vista desktop or even a game with Fraps for yourself and you’ll quickly see just how intensive Fraps recording can be.
# Because Secure Desktop Mode is designed to stop certain background activity while a UAC Prompt is showing, Fraps will not show the Secure Desktop and the UAC prompt in the video–all you see is the screen freeze for a few seconds, hear the UAC sound, and a moment later things continue. This is normal with Fraps, and it occurs a couple of times in the video as I launch system-intrusive software (Diskeeper and CCleaner).
# Importantly: The audio in the video was recorded as part of the very same demonstration in the video, playing through Windows Media Player as shown, and is completely unaltered or edited in any way. The video as a whole has not been edited in any way at all.