Tale video je zelo popularen zadnje čase na facebooku in vsi ga šerajo in se mu klanjajo. Men se zdi pa kr neki. Kot da folk ne zna s svojo glavo razmišljat oz. zakaj se folku zdi da so ujetniki nečesa. Mislim oni so očitno sami v glavi.
What a load of crap. It's not your fault or technology, its the people around you. If you play games or surf on your mobile phone when you are with people it's usually cause they are boring or it is boring. It's not kids fault they play games all the time it's their parents fault so don't blame it on the technology, blame it on yourself. Stupid video made just so it makes you feel like you are stupid and ignorant and people liking this have no self esteem.
Not to mention, what the [cenzura] is wrong with being alone sometimes? Like the happiness was always measured by the number of "friends" you have. [cenzura] propaganda video. Just be yourself. (moj komentar v angleščini)
What a load of crap. It's not your fault or technology, its the people around you. If you play games or surf on your mobile phone when you are with people it's usually cause they are boring or it is boring. It's not kids fault they play games all the time it's their parents fault so don't blame it on the technology, blame it on yourself. Stupid video made just so it makes you feel like you are stupid and ignorant and people liking this have no self esteem.
Not to mention, what the [cenzura] is wrong with being alone sometimes? Like the happiness was always measured by the number of "friends" you have. [cenzura] propaganda video. Just be yourself. (moj komentar v angleščini)