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Doma imam star Eee 701, ki ima par USB-jev in "PCI Express Mini" konektor na plati.
Najbolj enostavna varianta je sigurno da preko USBja priklopim 3TB disk v USB2SATA zunanjem ohišju.
Ampak potem bo USB ozko grlo pri pisanju/branju na disk.
A bi se dalo mogoče kako na "PCI Express Mini" konektor priklopiti 3TB SATA disk direktno ali pa preko kakega poceni vmesnika?
Našel sem spodnje info, če kaj pomaga:
Eee use a variant of the PCI Express Mini Card as an SSD. This variant uses the reserved and several non-reserved pins to implement SATA and IDE interface passthrough, keeping only USB, ground lines, and sometimes the core PCIe 1x bus intact.This makes the 'miniPCIe' flash and solid state drives sold for netbooks largely incompatible with true PCI Express Mini implementations.
2 × PCI Express Mini Card connectors: 1 occupied by the wireless network card; 1 empty, accessible on some models from opening on back of unit, which supports only Asus-approved SSD expansion units.
Doma imam star Eee 701, ki ima par USB-jev in "PCI Express Mini" konektor na plati.
Najbolj enostavna varianta je sigurno da preko USBja priklopim 3TB disk v USB2SATA zunanjem ohišju.
Ampak potem bo USB ozko grlo pri pisanju/branju na disk.
A bi se dalo mogoče kako na "PCI Express Mini" konektor priklopiti 3TB SATA disk direktno ali pa preko kakega poceni vmesnika?
Našel sem spodnje info, če kaj pomaga:
Eee use a variant of the PCI Express Mini Card as an SSD. This variant uses the reserved and several non-reserved pins to implement SATA and IDE interface passthrough, keeping only USB, ground lines, and sometimes the core PCIe 1x bus intact.This makes the 'miniPCIe' flash and solid state drives sold for netbooks largely incompatible with true PCI Express Mini implementations.
2 × PCI Express Mini Card connectors: 1 occupied by the wireless network card; 1 empty, accessible on some models from opening on back of unit, which supports only Asus-approved SSD expansion units.