Paint.NET (rastrsko) vs Inkscape (vektorsko)


24. jun 2008
Na Wikipediji sem si prebral osnovno razliko med rastrsko in vektorsko grafiko. Me pa pri tem zanima, zakaj pri enakih sistemskih pogojih vektorski Inkscape operacije izvaja precej počasneje.
Pri vektorskih grafičnih programi se slika pri povečevanju na popači, a po drugi strani - imajo ti programi kakšno večjo slabost v primerjavi z rastrskimi programi?
Nazadnje urejeno:


24. jun 2008
Sem našel:

What are vector graphics?
In contrast to raster (bitmap) graphics editors such as Photoshop or Gimp, Inkscape stores its graphics in a vector format. Vector graphics is a resolution-independent description of the actual shapes and objects that you see in the image. A rasterization engine uses this information to determine how to plot each line and curve at any resolution or zoom level.

Contrast that to bitmap (raster) graphics which is always bound to a specific resolution and stores an image as a grid of pixels.

Vector graphics are a complement, rather than an alternative, to bitmap graphics. Each has its own purpose and are useful for different kinds of things. Raster graphics tend to be better for photographs and some kinds of artistic drawings, whereas vectors are more suitable for design compositions, logos, images with text, technical illustrations, etc.

Note that Inkscape can import and display bitmap images, too. An imported bitmap becomes yet another object in your vector graphics, and you can do with it everything you can do to other kinds of objects (move, transform, clip, etc.)


Jas da nea vem?! Ka te je...
5. sep 2007
Klobukarjev dol
Zakaj bi delalo počasneje ne vem, ker ni nekega razloga, da bi vektorsko risal dlje časa - razen če gre res za neke kompleksne 3D modele. Pri vektorski večji del opravlja CPU (in pri nekaterih aplikacijah GPU), pri rastrskih pa bolj disk in RAM delata. Po moje je razlika v samem programu, ne od samega rastrskega / vektorskega načina.

Vektorska grafika nima neke slabosti, prej ima prednosti - neomejeno povečevanje / pomanjševanje, lažje urejanje slike - ''retuširaš'' lahko brez posledic, kvaliteta slike se po večkratnem urejanju/shranjevanju ne zmanjša, kot na primer pri jpg formatu, pa še kaj bi se našlo.